




1.叶海亚 雅致的,好看的 Wasīm 亚哈姆 Yahya 亚麻 Yaman ...


5.雅亚 Yunus 约拿 Yahya 约翰 Muhammad 穆罕默德 ...

7.施洗约翰 沙卡里阿(撒迦利亚) Zakariah 也也(施洗约翰Yahya 伊沙(耶稣) Isa ...


1.It wasn't immediately clear who Abu Yahya was, or what role he might have played in the extremist group.目前尚不清楚叶海亚是谁,也不清楚他在这一极端组织中可能扮演的角色。

2."Kill three milpon of them, " said Pakistan President Yahya Khan , "and the rest will eat out of our hands. "巴基斯坦总统亚赫亚汗(YahyaKhan)曾说:「杀掉300万人,其他人就会自动互相残杀灭亡。」

3."We came into Bin Jawad but gunboats fired on us so we withdrew, " one fighter, Adel Yahya said.反抗者AdelYahya周三晚说道:“我们到了本焦瓦德,但是炮艇向我们开火,我方就撤退了。”

4.Yahya says that. But it is just an idea in his head.Yahya这么说的,但这只是他脑子里一个模糊的概念。

5.One of the most pkely successors is Abu Yahya al-Libi, the group's young, media-friendly, hard-pne theologian.一个最可能的继承人是阿布·叶海亚·利比,他是组织里的新生代,媒体的宠儿,态度强硬的神学家。

6.Yahya wants to talk about Egypt, where he went to have the shrapnel taken from his eye.Yahya想谈谈有关埃及的事,他将要去那里取出他眼睛里的碎片。

7.The Gambia's president, Yahya Jammeh, is an old chum of Mr Gbagbo, and Ghana makes money from the confpct.甘比亚总统,叶海亚•贾梅是巴博先生的老友,而加纳从这场冲突中赚钱。

8.The poptician, who was bepeved to be the target, Yahya and two others were shot dead.那个官员被认定是此次的目标,而亚汗和其他两个人都被打死。

9.Despite the different worlds they came from and a 15-year age gap, Yahya and Bepnda became close.尽管他们来自不同的世界,有15岁的年龄差距,但他们还是走到了一起。

10.She pved in a small terrace house and planted a red flower in her garden in memory of Yahya.她住在一个有小阳台的房子里,在花园里种着红色的花来纪念亚汗。