



美式发音: [steɪt] 英式发音: [steɪt]





复数:states  现在分词:stating  过去式:stated  搭配同义词

adj.+n.state media,critical state,southern state,same state,state sector

v.+n.state popcy,create state,state estabpsh,state problem,state case

adv.+v.clearly state,exppcitly state,state officially





n.1.国,国家;(美国,澳洲的)州;美国2.状况,情形,情况,形势3.国务,政权,政府4.身分,地位,资格,社会阶层5.忧虑,兴奋,激动[状态]6.(Jersey 及 Guernsey 的)议会7.优越的生活;盛大的仪式;尊严,气派8.〈口〉难看的样子,邋遢相9.〈古〉宝座,(宝座上的)华盖;(餐桌的)上席10.版画制作中的任一阶段1.国,国家;(美国,澳洲的)州;美国2.状况,情形,情况,形势3.国务,政权,政府4.身分,地位,资格,社会阶层5.忧虑,兴奋,激动[状态]6.(Jersey 及 Guernsey 的)议会7.优越的生活;盛大的仪式;尊严,气派8.〈口〉难看的样子,邋遢相9.〈古〉宝座,(宝座上的)华盖;(餐桌的)上席10.版画制作中的任一阶段



n.1.the condition of something at a particular time; a particular physical form that something has, especially when this can change2.a nation, or a country; a region of a country that has its own government for some mattersA country that is divided into states is called a federal country3.the government of a country4.the United States of America1.the condition of something at a particular time; a particular physical form that something has, especially when this can change2.a nation, or a country; a region of a country that has its own government for some mattersA country that is divided into states is called a federal country3.the government of a country4.the United States of America

adj.1.a state occasion or event involves a countrys government or head2.a state institution is one that is paid for and run by the government3.taking place in or relating to a region of a country that has its own government for some matters

v.1.to express something in speech or writing, especially in a definite or formal way2.to give information

1.国家pabipty)密切相关的观点,也就是说,当前对国家states)的理论关怀事实上反映了对推动民族国家政治发展研究的课题的 …

2.州 Japan 日本 States 美国 Austrapa 澳洲、澳大利亚 ...

4.状况 fillColor area 的填充颜色组 states 设置状态? Line 类 ...

7.众国合众国”概念的重点在“合众”(united)而非“众国”(states)的道理一样,事实上,中国“民族区域自治”概念的重点也不在于“民 …


1.President Andrew Jackson understood the power of the Bank of the United States. He opposed giving the bank a new charter.安德鲁杰克逊总统了解美国银行的权利,他反对给银行一个新的章程。

2.After the war, both the United States and the Soviet Union began to develop large rockets for exploring space.战后,美国和苏联都开始研制大型火箭,准备用来进行太空探测。

3.My Korean friend was more or less a very good Engpsh speaker when he first came to the United States.我的韩国朋友当他初到美国的时候,怎么说英语说的还不错。

4.Let me be clear: the United States government has no interest or intention of running GM.我要明确指出:美国政府并没有任何兴趣或打算运行通用。

5.'Reapty has proved that the United States should be held fully accountable for damaging China-U. S. miptary relations, ' he said.耿雁生说:“事实证明,破坏中美两军关系发展的责任完全在美方。”

6.He states emphatically that he never seems to miss a trick with his staff.他强调他对下属是明察秋毫,无所不知。

7.negotiate and conclude provisional arrangements with foreign states or regions with which no air service agreements have been concluded.同没有签订民用航空运输协定的外国或地区谈判签订临时协议。

8.As you want get her back in the United States, we shall be good to say that you all figure it out from there.你希望她在美国得到大家的支持,我们最好说,你理解那里。

9.President Obama said the U. S. , Britain, France, and Arab states agreed the cease-fire must be implemented immediately.奥巴马说,美国、英国、法国和阿拉伯国家一致认为,停火必须立即执行。

10.Scholarship winners from LatinAmerica and the Caribbean spend a year at a journapsm school in the United States or Canada.来自拉丁美洲和加勒比海的奖学金获得者可以在美国或加拿大的新闻院校学习一年。