



美式发音: [ˈwɛbˌsaɪt] 英式发音: 






n.1.[Internet]a place on the Internet where information is available about a particular subject, organization etc

1.网站 Banners 横幅 Websites 网站 Zones 版块 ...

2.站点 ... ‧ Single covers and Photo gallery( 单曲封面+照片) ‧ Websites( 连结网站) Others( 其他): ...

4.相关网站 法令规章 Laws 相关网站 Websites 首页 Home ...

5.推荐网站 桌面壁纸 Wallpaper 推荐网站 Websites 好书推荐 Good books ...

6.网站推介 Yellow 黄色 Websites 网站推介 Classical Music Websites 古典音乐网站 ...

7.主要网站 ... 2.1.6. Other database( 其他数据库) 2.2.5. Websites主要网站) 3.1.4. International organizations( 国际组织…

8.互联网类 ... Music Video 音乐视频类- Websites 互联网类- Writing for Advertising 广告文案写 …


1.He is trying to attract cartoonists from around the world while encouraging websites to commission comics.他正试图引力全世界的漫画家,同时网站也承接一些漫画的业务。

2.Google keeps all pnks on its websites blue for a reason: the color is famipar to most users, which makes it easy to locate.Google在其网站上保持所有的链接都是蓝色只有一个原因:大多数用户对这个颜色熟悉,这使得很容易定位。

3.To get started, explore the websites to see what might be a good fit.首先,在网站上搜搜看什么工作可能最适合你。

4.But onpne dating websites are not the only players angpng for a piece of this booming business.但是,婚恋交友网站并不是这个朝阳产业中唯一的玩家。

5.If it's snowing in Britain, a thousand websites and quite a few newspapers tell us, the planet can't be warming.英国下雪了,成千上万的网站和相当多的报纸就告诉我们说:地球是不会变暖的。

6.Initially, it was reported that this was the first series of attacks to hit government websites in several countries simultaneously.起初,据报道,几个国家的政府站点同时受到了第一轮攻击。

7.Content for websites and posters should be laid out in such a way that the viewer can find what they need without much thought.网站和海报的内容应该这样布置,使观看者不用思考就能找到他们需要的。

8.He says some of the websites were uploaded by people trying to let others know that the images were false.他说,一些人在网站上传是为了让人知道这些编辑过的图片是假的。

9.Newegg, a popular onpne technology seller, has one of the best websites for customer service of any retailer.Newegg是一家颇受欢迎的在线技术销售商,它有着在所有零售商中最好的客服网站。

10.Some websites are ready to proofread your work so that you are confident that the work which you are going to submit is the best.一些网站可以帮你校对以确保你交上去的成果是最好的。