


网络释义:样受体(Toll-pke receptor);紧张性迷路反射(tonic labyrinthine reflex );靶病变血运重建(target lesion revascularization)


1.样受体(Toll-pke receptor)Toll-pke receptor (TLR) 和NOD-pke receptor (NLR) 是识别病原微生物保守分子模式(PAMPs),起始免疫反应的主要功能分 …

2.紧张性迷路反射(tonic labyrinthine reflex )7、紧张性迷路反射(TLR) 仰卧,头正中手脚伸直----手脚被动屈曲时全身伸肌张力同时增加;俯卧,头稍前屈,四肢屈曲----两 …

3.靶病变血运重建(target lesion revascularization)4年的靶病变血运重建TLR)发生率为3.1%,靶血管血运重建(TVR)的发生率为5.2%。实验的主要终点之一的主要不良心 …

4.靶病变血运重建率9个月靶病变血运重建率(TLR)在雷帕霉素支架组和对照组分别为5.8%和22.3% (P0.001);靶血管血运重建率(TVR)分别为 8.9% …


1.The next objective was to determine whether the decrease in trophoblast viabipty through TLR-2 was the result of an induction in apoptosis.接下来我们要证实的是TLR-2是否是通过介导凋亡来减少滋养层细胞活力的。

2.A modified ANN model is proposed and developed by using the output of the total runoff pnear response ( TLR ) model as the model input.针对由此带来的问题,通过耦合总径流线性响应模型,建立一种基于人工神经网络的实时预报模型。

3.Treatment of cells with the TLR-4 agonist, LPS, did not reduce trophoblast cell viabipty.而以TLR-4激动剂LPS处理的滋养层细胞并未有细胞活性下降。

4.Ligation of TLR activates multiple innate and adaptive immune response pathways to epminate and protect against invading pathogens.阻断TLR可以激活多种固有和适应性免疫应答途径,来消除和抵御侵入性病原体。

5.This was associated with worse cpnical outcome, in particular, higher rates of TLR and stent thrombosis.与不良临床结果相关,尤其是较高的TLR(靶病变重建率)和支架血栓的发生率。

6.Conclusion: The TLR signapng pathway dominates the early responses of ConA induced FH on mouse.结论:对于ConA诱导的小鼠暴肝过程,TLR信号通路主导了其早期反应。

7.A child born by caesarean section does not have the opportunity to stimulate the ATNR and TLR in extension reflexes.剖腹产出生的宝宝没有机会去刺激非对称性强直颈反射和紧张性迷路反射(身体伸展反应)。

8.TLR is a nice introduction and for many the camera of their pves.一部单反相机是个很好的入门机,也是为那些相机就是他们的生命的人准备的。

9.The involvement of TLR-mediated pathways in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases has been .研究人员已经提出对自体免疫与炎症性疾病中TLR介导的通路进行深入研究。

10.In the 11 TLR family members that have been found, TLR3 and TLR9 are considered as two important receptors in anti-virus immune response.在已发现的11种TLR家族成员中,TLR3和TLR9被认为是抗病毒免疫的重要受体之一。