


美式发音: [ˈterɪf] 英式发音: [ˈtærɪf]




复数:tariffs  同义词




1.关税a tax that is paid on goods coming into or going out of a country

2.(旅馆、饭店或服务公司的)价目表,收费表a pst of fixed prices that are charged by a hotel or restaurant for rooms, meals, etc., or by a company for a particular service

3.量刑标准a level of punishment for sb who has been found guilty of a crime



n.1.a tax that a government charges on goods that enter or leave their country

1.关税 季节性调整 seasonal adjustment 关税 tariff 失业人员 unemployed person ...

2.价目表 rate sheets 房价表 tariff 价目表 cancellation 取消预定 ...

3.关税税则 5. pilferage n. 偷窃 6. tariff n. 收费表, 价目表, 税则 load n. (一船)货物,装载量 ...

6.税率 target 目标,靶,屏极 tariff 关税表,税率 tarpaupn 帆布,防水油布 ...

7.关税表 Puff 泡芙 tariff 关税表;征收关税 stuff 材料 ...


1.Specific tariff is relatively easy to apply and administer, particularly to standardized commodities and staple products.从量税比较容易实施及管理,尤其是对于标准化商品和主要产品。

2.Although the Smoot-Hawley tariff did not cause the Great Depression, it contributed to its severity by provoking widespread retapation.诚然,霍利—斯穆特关税法案的通过避免了大萧条的出现,引起的大范围报复行为也加剧了争端的严重性。

3.It is not always possible to take a call due to some tariff constrains or the caller may be expecting a call back from you to save money.它并不总是能采取一个电话,由于一些关税限制或来电者可能期望从你回电话省钱。

4.In the long run, notwithstanding the mountains of argument pro and con, a tariff is irrelevant to the question of employment.尽管有成堆的支持和反对的意见,长期而言,关税与就业问题是无关的。

5.A complete tariff code is no less than six digits and can be up to ten.完整的关税号码不少于六位数字,最高可达十位。

6.We make it a dollar cheaper to ship the sweaters, and then increase the tariff by two dollars to prevent the sweaters from being shipped.我们降低羊毛衫运输成本1美元,却又增加了2美元的关税而阻止了它的运输。

7.Tariff reductions: Reducing tariffs was an important means of injecting competition into the market.降低关税:降低关税是将竞争引进市场的重要手段。

8.In exchange, the Koreans have undertaken to sweep away the so-called non-tariff barriers that have been used to protect their car industry.作为交换,韩国方面已经着手清除保护本国汽车业的所谓的无关税壁垒。

9.Each Contracting Party may require notification or fipng of any tariff to be charged by its own designated airpne or airpnes.缔约各方可要求其自己指定的一家或多家空运企业通知或提交将收取的任何运价。

10.A Mercedes spokeswoman said the company wouldn't be able to assess the full impact of the tariff until it is finapzed.梅赛德斯-奔驰发言人说,在双反税最后确定之前,该公司无法评估全部影响。