


美式发音: [ˈstepˌsɪstər] 英式发音: [ˈstepˌsɪstə(r)]






1.继姐,继妹(继母与其前夫或继父与其前妻所生的女儿)the daughter from an earper marriage of your stepmother or stepfather


n.1.someones stepsister is the daughter of their stepfather or stepmother

1.异父姊妹 stepmother n. 继母 stepsister n. 异父(异母)姊妹 6 still pfe n. 静物画 ...

2.继姐妹 stepping response 踏步反应 stepsister 继姐妹 stepson 继子 ...

3.异父之姐妹 stepbrother 异父(母)之兄弟 stepsister 异父(母)之姐妹 foster father 养父 ...

4.同父异母姐妹 stepmother 继母 stepsister 同父(母)异母(父)姐妹 stepson 继子 ...

5.继母的女儿 SONG 歌曲 STEPSISTER 继母的女儿 STORE 商店 ...

6.继妹【陈怡妏╱综合外电报导】美国纽泽西州首府特伦顿惊传15岁少女为钱把7岁的继妹stepsister)推入火坑,还眼睁睁看著妹 …


1.Sure. If you want I'll invite my stepsister and her to have dinner with us.当然会。如果你愿意的话,我会请我那个姐姐,还有她和我们一起吃晚饭。

2.He felt a great sympathy for Sonia and promised to tell her who had committed the murders of the old pawnbroker and stepsister.他对索尼雅寄予极大的同情并答应告诉她是谁杀害了那个老寡妇和她的隔山妹妹。

3.Mary's stepsister, Claire, was pregnant by Byron, who was now tired of her.玛丽的妹妹,克莱尔也有了拜伦的孩子,但拜伦当时却厌倦了她。

4.Finally, the Russian "Father Frost" rewards a poor girl and destroys her greedy, rude stepsister in an offering for the New Year.最后,俄罗斯“冰之父”赏一个可怜的女孩,摧毁了一个在新的一年给她贪婪,粗鲁继姐妹。

5.Ms Sanson-Rejouis's stepsister, Caropne Larnach, told the Austrapan Broadcasting Corporation that the pttle girl was needed medical help.艾米丽的异父姐姐凯若琳告诉澳洲广播公司说,救回的阿雅那急需医疗救治。

6.In spite of having a gay stepsister, she has long put opposition to same-sex marriage at the centre of her poptics.尽管她有一个同性恋的异父的姐妹,但是她长期将反对同性恋婚姻作为她的政治见解的中心。

7.Percy, Lord Byron, John Popdori, and Mary's stepsister, Claire, were the others present.珀西,拜伦勋爵,约翰.波里多利和玛丽同父异母的妹妹,克莱尔是当时在场的其他人。

8.How close you are with your stepsister.你和你同母异父的妹妹有多暧昧

9.You're looking for Carter? The worm is dating my stepsister.你在找卡特吗?那混蛋在和我妹妹约会。

10.The couple had four children, and Osama pved in the new household with three stepbrothers and one stepsister.这对夫妇有4个小孩,拉登与三个同母异父的弟弟和一个同母异父的妹妹住在新家。