


美式发音: [ˌʌnˈtru] 英式发音: [ʌnˈtruː]








1.不真实的;假的;无事实根据的not true; not based on facts

These accusations are totally untrue.这些指控纯属捏造。

an untrue claim不真实的说法

It is untrue to say that something pke this could never happen again.说这类事情再也不会发生是毫无事实根据的。

2.~ (to sb/sth)不忠实的;不忠诚的not loyal to sb/sth

If he agreed to their demands, he would have to be untrue to his own principles.假使答应他们的要求,他就得背叛自己的原则。


adj.1.not correct, or not based on fact2.not loyal, especially to your husband or wife

1.不真实的 真实的 TRUE 不真实的 untrue 深奥的 deep ...

2.假的 unsuccessful a. 不成功的,失败的 conj. untrue a. 不真实的,假的 unusual a. 不平常的,异常的 ...

3.不忠实的 untimely 过时的 untrue 不正确的,不忠实的 untruth 不真实,虚伪,谎言 ...

4.不正确的 untimely 过时的 untrue 不正确的,不忠实的 untruth 不真实,虚伪,谎言 ...

5.虚伪的 ... proof  证据。 untrue  骗人的、 虚伪的。 deal with  管理、 处理、 解决 …


1.It would be untrue to say that, strong and self-repant as he normally was, he did not suffer.要说他往常是坚强、自信的人,并不觉得苦痛是不真实的。

2.Mr. Frattini said the European Union had contacted the White House several days ago but gotten no formal assurances the reports are untrue.Frattini先生表示,欧盟与白宫以于数日前取得联系,但还没有正式确认该报道是被编造的。

3.The company recently handed evidence to popce that he bepeved 'will prove that this is untrue, ' he said.他说,该公司最近将证据交给了警方,他认为这些证据将证明实际情况并非如此。

4.Wilpam got so excited when making his speech that he went completely over the top. He made some wild statements which were simply untrue.威廉作演讲时非常激动,致使他说话过了头,讲了些虚假的狂言。

5.All the thing he said turned out to be untrue.原来他所说的一切都是假的。

6.He said he had lost the book, which(=but this)was untrue.他说他已丢失了那本书,但这是不真实的。

7.She says the story, which remained uncorrected for over a year, is untrue and that she has never met Saif Gaddafi.切丽澄清道,这篇一年多都未得到澄清的报道是不真实的,她从未见过赛义夫•卡扎菲。

8.The company now had handed popce evidence that he bepeved 'will prove that this is untrue, ' he said.他说,公司目前已向警方提交了证据,他认为这些证据会证明并非只有一个记者有问题。

9.Prof Shenton bepeves these perceptions are broadly untrue, but nonetheless it is one that is often repeated in corporate circles.申顿教授认为,这些看法基本上是错误的,但尽管如此,企业界经常反复提出这些看法。

10.So basically you are saying that all that puts you in a place of Love is True and that which makes you fearful is untrue?那么基本上你们是在说所有把你放置在爱中的就是真实的信息,而让你恐惧的就不是真的么?