



美式发音: [stɑmp] 英式发音: [stɒmp]



第三人称单数:stomps  现在分词:stomping  过去式:stomped  同义词





n.1.Same as stump

v.1.Same as stamp2.to walk making a lot of noise, usually because you are angry

1.跺脚 tomorrow adv. 明天见n.明天, 未来 stomped n. 跺脚 return n. 回来, 返回, 来回票, 利润, 回答 ...


1.He raised one eyebrow, stared at me for five seconds, then stomped to the recpner and sat down on the very edge, his back ramrod straight.他挑起一边眉毛,盯着我足有五秒钟,接着,每步都像砸在地面上一般,一路跺到躺椅边上,在椅子最边缘坐下,坐得笔直。

2.grumbled Lilly's uncle Frederick. And he turned his back and stomped out to the garden.莉莉的叔叔一边嘟哝着,一边转身向花园走去。

3.He shaved them off, washed, dried, and stomped off to the kitchen to find something pleasant to put in his mouth.他把它们刮掉,洗净,弄干,然后又跺着脚走向厨房找些令人愉悦的东西放进他的口腔。

4.They stomped on the floor, and gazed out the window, and seemed to be ready to weep.他们在地板上跺着脚,凝视着窗外,似乎是准备哭。

5.Last night, I stomped into our bedroom ready to turn on my anger at full volume.昨晚,我跺着脚进卧室,准备大发雷霆。

6.At its feet, the 7-foot-long Leptoceratops play, trying to avoid being stomped on by the larger feet of the Alamosaurus.在它的脚下,7英尺长的纤角龙嬉戏着,试图躲开阿拉莫龙的大脚丫子,以免被踏成肉泥。

7.So I hit him, a girl's wide roundhouse to right under his ear, and Tyler shoved me back and stomped the heel of his shoe in my stomach.于是我出拳了,一记如同小女孩般的勾拳打在他的耳朵右边。泰勒一把我推开,一脚踹在我的肚子上。

8.Finally, the day before her lesson, Lulu announced in exasperation that she was giving up and stomped off.终于,在上课的前一天,露露恼怒地表示她将放弃练琴,并跺着脚离开了。

9.America stomped on the idea, insisting the bank should not compete with private venture-capital.美国对这一提议嗤之以鼻,坚持认为ADB不应与私有风险资本相竞争。

10.Leonard: No, ww-w-would it help if I told you that I offered her my heart and she kind of stomped on it?莱纳德:要是我告诉你,我向她献出真心,却被她狠狠践踏,你会好受点么?