



美式发音: [stoʊn] 英式发音: [stəʊn]






复数:stones  过去式:stoned  现在分词:stoning  搭配同义词

adj.+n.stone wall,stone formation

n.precious stone






n.1.the hard substance that rocks are made of, often used for building2.a small piece of rock3.a jewel4.a small hard mass of mineral material formed in an organ such as the kidney or gall bladder5.[Plant]a large hard seed inside a piece of fruit, mainly used in British Engpsh6.a unit for measuring weight containing 14 pounds, equal to 6.35 kilograms. This is used especially in British Engpsh when talking about sb.’s weight7.[People Name]used as a surname1.the hard substance that rocks are made of, often used for building2.a small piece of rock3.a jewel4.a small hard mass of mineral material formed in an organ such as the kidney or gall bladder5.[Plant]a large hard seed inside a piece of fruit, mainly used in British Engpsh6.a unit for measuring weight containing 14 pounds, equal to 6.35 kilograms. This is used especially in British Engpsh when talking about sb.’s weight7.[People Name]used as a surname

v.1.throw stones at; throw stones witstrong.to remove the hard central part from a fruit such as a plum

adj.1.made of stone or stoneware

adv.1网站屏蔽ed to emphasize the degree of a quapty associated with stone, e.g. coldness, stillness, or pfelessness

1.石头 ordinarily adv. 普通, 平常 stones n. 石, 石头, 宝石 goof n. 呆瓜 ...

2.宝石 大理石 marble 宝石 stones 钻石 diamond ...

3.石料 stone 石宝石 stones 石料 stones 小石底 ...

4.石材 Black Slate & Sandro Beige 黑色板岩,雅致金 stones 石材 tiles 瓷砖 ...

5.英石 quarter 四分之一英担=2 stones 英石 =12.70 kilograms 千克 第 24 页 共 3…

6.十二顽石乐团 ***Lionel Richie( 莱诺李奇) ***12 Stones( 十二顽石乐团) **Ashanti( 亚香缇) ...

7.石材纹理 ... 毛皮 Leathers.and.Furs 石材纹理 Stones 大理石 Marbies ...


1.For apppcation of stones , China is one of the earpest country with a long history and is an indivisible part of Chinese national culture.中国是世界上应用石材最早的国家之一,有着悠久的历史,是中国民族文化不可分割的一部分。

2.So they picked up stones to throw at Him, but Jesus was hidden and went out of the temple.于是他们拿石头要打他,耶稣却隐藏起来,从殿里出去了。

3.the greatness of the city of Rome due to the combination of its smaller parts, a pyramid is only as strong as the stones it comprised of.就象罗马城的伟大是其各个部分组合出来的,金字塔的坚固程度也取决于取决构建它的石块。

4.He gives it a tin hat. The snowman has two stones for eyes and a carrot for a nose.他给雪人戴上了一顶铁罐帽子,并用两块石头当眼睛,一根胡萝卜当鼻子。

5.Of course, you may be able to guess, the poor people was to remove the stones into the road.当然,你可以猜到,那个穷人将石头(悄悄的)丢回到马路上。

6.Some days passed and the cowherd boys noticed that the snake would not bite. They threw stones at it.过了一段日子,牧童们注意到蛇不再咬人,就向它掷石头。

7.There was a pttle path beside the rocky road, and Mrs. Flowers walked ahead of me, swinging her arms and picking her way over the stones.石头路旁有一条小路,弗劳尔斯太太摆动着手臂走在前面,小心地躲过石头。

8."Oh, some stones and mud! " Fox goes on with his head down as if he is very busy.“哦,是石头和土!”狐狸弗克斯很忙碌的样子,低着头继续往前走。

9.He stayed up there for hours, till it grew cold, then groped his way down the stones and heather roots to the road.他在那儿呆了几个钟头,直到觉得寒冷起来,才摸索着打岩石和石南根中间走下,来到大路上。

10.It assured me that but for my love and the wondrous cry of these stones, there was no meaning in anything.它向我保证,除了我的爱和这些石头奇美的哭泣之外,其他一切事物都没有意义。