



1.He is honest and always ready to help others. That's why we made him monitor.他很坦诚而且乐于助人.这就是为什么我们选他为班长

2.I will forget how much I love you, and the promise we made together!忘记曾对多么地爱你和我们曾经许下的承诺

3."He had the birthday Saturday, " he said. "We made him a birthday party. We had to have fun with with him. How? "他说:“他星期六过生日。我们为他的生日举行聚会。我们必须让他高兴,但是如何能做到呢?”

4.How much times, we made several attempts to appeal, useless. Alarm, useless.多少次,我们几度上诉无门,报警未理。

5.Just a second, let me check first. Sorry, we made a mistake, do u need me to change a seat for you now?请稍等,我先查一下。不好意思,我们弄错了,您需要我现在给您换座位吗?

6.We made it a tool of the individual to go about doing their work .我们使它成为个人的一个工具有关做他们的工作去。

7."But we had Chelsea Cpnton here once, " he said. "She's a vegetarian, so we made her kebab out of eggplant. "“但是有一个叫切尔西·克林顿的人曾在这吃过”,他说“她是个素食主义者,我以我们用茄子给她做了烤肉串。”

8.It will show the world our motherland, it will show the world how much progress we made, how proud we are to be Chinese.它将会向世界展示我们的祖国;它将向世界展示我们所取得的进步;它将向全世界展示,作为中国人我们是多么的自豪!

9.Potato Head etc. : We made a fortune. There is a fortune in here for you, and the bank deposit books are in them too!老白薯等:我们发了财了。这里是你们的财产,银行的存款也在里面。

10.She'd fancied me from day one and was determined to bed me. I was so thrilled and flattered that we made love all over again.她在第一次见到我的时候就被我迷住,并决心语我同眠。听后我受宠若惊,我们又做了一次。