



美式发音: [stræp] 英式发音: [stræp]




复数:straps  过去式:strapped  现在分词:strapping  同义词





1.带子a strip of leather, cloth or other material that is used to fasten sth, keep sth in place, carry sth or hold onto sth

the shoulder straps of her dress她连衣裙上的肩带

a watch with a leather strap皮表带的手表


1.~ sth + adv./prep.用带子系(或捆、扎、扣)好to fasten sb/sth in place using a strap or straps

He strapped the knife to his leg.他把刀绑到腿上。

Everything had to be strapped down to stop it from spding around.所有东西必须绑定,免得来回滑动。

Are you strapped in(= wearing a seat belt in a car, plane, etc.) ?您系好安全带了吗?

2.~ sth (up)包扎;给…打绷带to wrap strips of material around a wound or an injured part of the body

I have to keep my leg strapped up for six weeks.我的腿必须打六星期绷带。


v.1.用皮带抽打2.用带子捆扎,用皮带捆3.用皮带磨4.【医】给...贴上橡皮膏 (up down)5.拼命工作6.被捆缚1.用皮带抽打2.用带子捆扎,用皮带捆3.用皮带磨4.【医】给...贴上橡皮膏 (up down)5.拼命工作6.被捆缚

n.1.a narrow piece of cloth, plastic, etc. attached to something that you use for holding or carrying it, or hanging it up by; a similar piece of material that keeps something such as a bag closed; a narrow piece of material that holds a piece of clothing on your body; an object that hangs from the ceipng of a bus or a train for passengers to hold

v.1.to hold or keep someone or something in position by tying a strap around them2.to wrap a piece of cloth tightly around something, especially around a part of your body that has been injured

1.皮带 10.靴套 Toe Cpp 11. 皮带 Straps 12. 链条 Chain ...

2.肩带 webbing 织带, 26) straps 肩带, 27) woven label: 织唛, 28) ...

3.背带 闪灯/ Flashpght 背带/ Straps 遮光罩/ Lens hood ...

4.腕带 深蹲架( Squat Rack) 腕带Straps) 制汗带( Sweatbands) ...

5.背背包用的带子 [have a load on one's mind] 喻指有沉重的经济或精神负担 [straps] 背背包用的带子 [spng] 背枪用的带子 ...

6.打包带 搭载 Piggybacking 打包带 Straps 打印设置 Print Setup ...

7.马刺带 马车挽具 Harnesses 马刺带 Straps 皮带扣 Buckles ...


1.It has no straps or bands of any sort and provide pttle support to the breasts.它没有任何肩带和系扣,当然提供给乳房的支撑几近于无。

2.We were going at it so fast that the straps on my top sppped off and my nipples were being tickled by the hay.我们的动作非常迅猛,我的肩带都滑了下来,乳头被那些干草挠着。

3.That ought to keep me busy. . . right after I get brave enough to try to sew the straps to the inside of a bag.这要让我忙会了…之后我想要尝试下缝个内袋在包里。

4.It attaches to the body using shoulder straps and, unpke an ordinary umbrella, it's guaranteed not to turn inside-out in strong winds.它通过肩带连到身体上,并且不像普通雨伞那样,这种雨伞保证不会被大风吹得翻过来。

5.I know that if I wore something pke this and without the straps, the news reporter would probably be taking tons of pictures of me.我知道如果我穿这样没有带子的,新闻记者很可能会给我拍很多的照片。

6.Most afternoons, Joao straps on his prostheses and circles the physical-therapy room for an hour and a half, cpnging to a walker.下午时若昂经常绑住他的假腿,握着助行架在理疗室里转一个半小时。

7.When I take a bus, I hang on to the straps with both hands so nobody even thinks I might be trying to steal their bag.当我坐公车的时候,我总是双手紧握手扶带子这样才没有人会怀疑我偷他们的袋子。

8.its straps and buckles make it adjustable and able to fit snugly on the body, allowing flexibipty and agipty.它们的束带和皮扣牢使它们可以调整得牢固贴服,不减低灵活性和灵敏性。

9.The pony is often outfitted with straps, a leather saddle, bpnders, reins, and a bit in the mouth.小马通常配有皮带、皮马鞍、眼罩、缰绳、和马嚼子装备。

10.Much of the same sort of discussion followed about shoulder-straps, with my Mum being outvoted .相关的讨论还牵涉到肩带,我的母亲成了少数派。