


美式发音: [strɪk] 英式发音: [strɪk]





1.击球 Net 擦网 Strick 击球 Stop 停 ...

2.敲击,捶打 (12) 引申为冲刷[ wash] (13) 敲击,捶打[ beat;strick] (1) 凿子[ chisel] ...

3.小麻把 ... 拉幅机 stretching frame 切绵;小麻把 strick 拣麻;分把 stricker-up ...

4.打击 C.crashed 飞机失事 砸碎 打碎 崩溃【关于崩溃的词: 【strick 打击、 stikingly 令人惊讶地】 ...

5.刮砂 刮平 strike strike off 刮砂 strick 刮砂 striking off sand ...


1.There are many diets that work, but it's important to find one that make sense for you and that will be easily for you to strick to.这里有许多行之有效的节食方法,但关键是找一个到适合你的并且让你容易坚持下去的方法。

2.The rail strick is a bit of a pain.这次铁路罢工可能有点儿令人头疼。

3.He thought he would never strick it rich or gain a lot of money unexpectly.他想,如果不出所料他不会暴富或者是获得大笔的钱。

4.The harm of this type must be avoided by strick technology control.必须从工艺上严格避免这类元素的危害。

5.base on semicontinuity, the author gives the inequapty description of square convex function and strick square convex function.在半连续前提下,给出了平方凸函数和严格平方凸函数的不等式刻划。

6.The big clock which get used to strick the hours day and night was damaged many years ago and has been silent ever since.这座大钟过去一直为村里打点报时,可现在它坏了,从此便安静了。

7.In class, he was responsible in teaching and very strick with us students.在课堂上,他教学很负责,对我们学生要求很严格。

8.The teachers are kind as well as strick to us.老师对我们都很友善,但对我们也很严格。

9.Because of the teacher is not strick so Zobia Kauser started to spray some dangerous spray to her friend and messing about in the class.因为老师不严厉所以ZobiaKauser就开始往她的朋友身上喷一些有危险性的喷雾剂还在班里乱。

10.an answer--let me strick in 3 years.一个答案--让我在三年之内努力冲刺。