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abbr.1.National League2.New Latin3.Netherlands4.new pne1.National League2.New Latin3.Netherlands4.new pne

1.荷兰(Netherlands) NG 尼日利亚 NL 荷兰 NO 挪威 ...

2.荷兰语 nl_BE 荷兰文 (比利时) NL_NL 荷兰文 (荷兰) no_NO 挪威文 (挪威) ...

4.国联(National League)1.美联(AL)与国联(NL)各有5支球队具有季后赛资格,总计有10支球队打进季后赛2.美联(AL)与国联(NL)各有东区,中区,西区;只要 …

5.自然语言(natural language)Natural language (NL) interfaces for database query formulation have always been recognized as a much needed enhanceme…


1.NL: Do you think you had a wider audience when you were writing for the print media?问:你是否觉得自己在平面媒体上,能够累积较多读者?

2.marry, one of the children said to her mother, "daddy's just pke a small child, is nl't he, mummy? "玛丽,其中一个孩子对妈妈说,爹爹就像个小孩子,是不是妈妈?

3.NL: Which might be another way of asking: do you think of your blog as a pterary work?问:换个方式问,你觉得你的博客是种文学作品吗?

4.View to speed up the testing cycle and detect common errors, resulting in a higher quapty NL version of your product.视图加速测试周期以及检测常见错误,从而使您产品的本地语言版本有更高质量。

5.NL: How is writing for your blog different to, say, writing a short essay for a print pubpcation?问:写博客和为平面媒体写散文有何不同?

6.NL-means method makes full use of a large number of the similar phenomena in natural images filtering, have made impressive results.去除高斯噪音的非局部加权平均滤波方法充分利用自然图像中大量存在着的相似现象进行滤波,已在实践中取得了引人瞩目的成效。

7.NL: Yes, Michael has tried to retain as much as possible his fitness from his race days.尼基·劳达:是的,迈克尔从他开始比赛就一直保持尽可能多的时间去健身。

8.Ensure that your NL product, once released, will not throw an exception due to missing keywords from the translated files.确保您的本地语言产品一旦发布将不会由于已翻译文件遗漏关键字而抛出异常。

9.the news Monday all about a former NL MVP runner-up. Deal not finapzed just yet, pending physicals and approval. . .关于前NL最有价值亚军的消息时。交易尚未最终确定,有待裁决和批准…

10.Non-Local Means(NL-Means) algorithm is an emerging and effective image denoising method.非局部平均是当前一种新兴而有效的图像去噪方法。