


美式发音: [ˈoʊvərˌkoʊt] 英式发音: [ˈəʊvə(r)ˌkəʊt]






1.长大衣a long warm coat worn in cold weather


n.1.a long warm coat that you wear in cold weather

1.大衣 ※ 中褛 COATS ※ 大衣 OVERCOAT ※ 马甲 VEST ...

2.外套 overlook v. 俯视;疏忽 overcoat n. 外套 overcome v. 战胜,克服 ...

3.男式大衣 tunic 长袍 overcoat 男式大衣 coat 女大衣 ...

4.外衣 overbridge 跨线桥,天桥 overcoat 外套,外衣 overleap 跳过 ...

5.外套大衣 underwear,n. 内衣裤 overcoat,n. 外套大衣;长大衣 salary,n. 薪水 ...

6.长大衣 observe 观察,注意到,评论 overcoat 长大衣 nowhere 无处,到处都不 ...

7.大衣外套 suitcase 手提箱;衣箱 overcoat 大衣外套 teenager 十几岁的青少年 ...

8.风衣 jean skirt dress( 女服、连衣裙) overcoat( 风衣) hoodie( 戴帽衬衫) (牛仔裙) ...


1.I heard him talking to himself and heard the hallstand rocking when it had received the weight of his overcoat.我听见他自言自语,听见大衣挂起来时衣帽架的晃动。

2.He was wearing a ragged black overcoat, but she could make out blood on his hands and face.他穿了一件破烂的黑色大衣,但是她能分辨出他的手上和脸上有血。

3.He gave the old man a suit of clothes and he gave his overcoat to a pregnant woman whose husband had been killed in a mining accident.他给了这个老人一套衣服,给了一位孕妇一件外套,因为她的丈夫已在矿难中遇难。

4.There is no good in arguing with the inevitable. The only argument available with an east wind is to put on your overcoat.对于不可避免的事,不要想去逆转。风刮起来,穿上你的外套就是了。

5."What a wilderness it is here, " thought the surveyor, trying to cover his ears with the collar of his overcoat.“这儿真是荒野!”土地测量员边想,边用外套的领子遮住他的耳朵。

6.Unbuttoning his overcoat and stepping away from the stove as if to mark the beginning of official business .解开外套,从炉旁走开,好像要开始公务。

7.There was a small fire in her room, but she had to carry coal up six floors and wear an overcoat in her small room to keep warm.房间里只有一小盆火,而她还必须把煤搬上六楼,在她那间小房子里,她得穿上大衣来保暖。

8.He fell into the river and, because he was embarrassed by his heavy overcoat, only managed to swim to the bank.他掉到河里了,由于被沉重的大衣所困,只勉强游到河岸。

9.He tried to get up, but I motioned for him not to bother took off my overcoat and started to look things over.他试图站起来,我示意他不要麻烦,脱去外套,开始检查。

10.At the Vatican, the Pope greeted pilgrims in an overcoat and said he hoped spring would come soon.在梵谛冈,教皇身穿大衣迎接朝圣者,并表示他希望春天快点到来。