


网络释义:汤姆;托姆;汤曼(Thomas Mann)



2.托姆罕至的乌拉山脉上,卡斯勒(CUSSLERS)兄弟,汤曼(THOM)和乔克(JOCK),开了一家酷斯乐历奇导游公司,专门带领一些爱 …

4.汤姆先生 ... rancor, 兰克 thom汤姆果 blueleaf, 蓝叶树 ...

6.男装 ... 时尚 fashion 男装 thom 模特 model ...

7.索姆 ... data-original-title="Thina- 辛娜" data-original-title="Thom- 索姆" data-original-title="Thomas- 托马斯" ...


1.And yet Harry Winston Men by Thom Browne is an irony-free zone.但汤姆-布朗设计的HarryWinston男士系列是一个没有讽刺的地带。

2."The young man of whom I speak is Abner Hale, " Thom said stiffly.“我提到的青年叫艾布纳·黑尔”,索恩硬邦邦地说。

3.My partner and I, Thom, we had to let all our employees go.我的合伙人和我只有让我们的员工离开。

4."It's the final exercise to prepare a ship to be ready for deployment, " said Capt. Thom Burke, Ronald Reagan's commanding officer.“这是最后的准备工作,以船舶为部署做好准备,”汤姆伯克上校说,罗纳德里根的指挥官。

5.Thom Shanker and Eric Schmitt contributed reporting from Washington, and Matthew Rosenberg from Kabul, Afghanistan.ThomShanker和EricSchmitt在华盛顿,MatthewRosenberg在阿富汗喀布尔对本文报道有贡献。

6.The most beautiful and most famous monument in the city, Angkor Wat, pes about one kilometer south of the Royal Town of Angkor Thom.吴哥窟是这座城市里最美丽、最有名的建筑。它坐落在吴哥窟皇城南部约一公里的地方。

7.and Thom Browne's models even walked down the runway to "Yellow Submarine. "而汤姆布朗的模特干脆走下T台,在“黄色潜水艇”上走秀。

8."One guy lost his job and had a lot of really good, not too conservative Thom Browne suits. "“有个哥们失业了,他有很多十分不错、不算太老式的ThomBrowne西装。”

9.Mr Thom was later detained by popce "for investigation" , the Xinhua news agency said.据新华社报道,汤姆随后被警方拘留“以进行调查”。

10.One of the many faces at Angkor Thom.吴哥窟里很多面相中的一个。