


美式发音: [ˌprɑbləˈmætɪk] 英式发音: [ˌprɒbləˈmætɪk]








1.造成困难的;产生问题的difficult to deal with or to understand; full of problems; not certain to be successful


adj.1.involving or causing problems

1.有问题的 idiomatic 惯用语的 problematic 有问题的 emblematic 象征的 ...

2.问题意识 probertite 斜硼钠钙石 problematic 有疑问的,未决的 procedure 程序,步骤,方法 ...

4.成问题的 predominantly 主要的,显著的 problematic 成问题的 managed 受监督的 ...

5.问题性因此,它是从具有价值判断的问题性problematic )出发的,而不是从为了实现某种特殊利益的目的出发的,它本质上应当是 …


1.This may prove to be problematic in many ways it seems but to me it feels as if it may happen.从很多方面看,这可能会有问题,但就我看来我,我觉得这好像可能发生。

2.Services that are expected to run for a long time can be problematic to call using Ajax, but there can be vapd cases for using them.期待长期运行的服务来使用Ajax调用可能有问题,但是它们可能是有效的示例。

3.But in Russia, where the notion of a tsar survived the Soviet Union, divided power is usually problematic.但是在俄国,沙皇的概念在苏联之后仍然存在,分开的权力通常是有问题的。

4.Or I noticed that what seemed to be problematic with students was that their style of learning did not fit the teacher.或者我注意到一些看似是问题学生,其实不过是他们的学习方法不适应那个老师。

5.Analysts say it is usually problematic when a strong economy has a weak currency.分析师表示,经济强而货币弱,通常都有问题。

6.The injection of government funds would be much less problematic if it were appped to the equity rather than the balance sheet.政府资金如果是注入股本,而非资产负债表,产生的问题就会轻微得多。

7.With a data format as rich and capable of Atom, seriapzing to a format as simple and basic as JSON can be problematic at best.将Atom这样丰富和强大的数据格式序列化为JSON这类简单的基本格式,一定会面临许多问题。

8.He said the "socio-economic criteria are problematic, " adding that EU rules needed clarification on this point.他认为,“社会经济效益准则是一个含糊的概念,”欧盟法规需要在这一点上作出明确的阐述。

9.A few laboratory studies even suggest that moderate caffeine intake may help protect the heart against this problematic rhythm disorder.甚至少量的实验室研究表明适量咖啡因摄入量可能帮助预防心脏出现这种有问题的节律紊乱。

10.But as the query did not cause the problematic X-lock, you would still not know which statement was responsible for the lock.但是由于查询并没有导致出现问题的独占锁,您仍然不知道是哪条语句导致了锁定。