



美式发音: ['mɪstər] 英式发音: ['mɪstə(r)]






1.(Mr 的复数形式,用于一组人名或公司名称前)(used as the plural ofMr before a pst of names and before names of business companies)

Messrs Smith, Brown and Jones史密斯、布朗和琼斯先生

Messrs T Brown and CoT. 布朗公司诸位先生


abbr.1.The variant of Mr.2.(=magneto-resistant)

1.先生 Customer P/O 客人合同号码 Messrs 先生(称呼) Attn 注意 ...

2.发票抬头人名称与地址 trade term 贸易条件 Messrs: 国外客户公司名称 payment: 付款方式 ...

4.先生们 (longitude 经度) (M.m. = Messrs 先生们) (WANs 广域网) 子母船;载驳船 拉丁 纬度 ...

5.尖头叉子 ... Professor Trelawney 特劳妮教授(预言课) Messrs 尖头叉子 Moony 月 …

6.发票抬头人名称和地址 Customer P/O 客户定单号 Messrs 收货人 Payment 付款 ...


1.but the prevalent opinion was that she was a phantom of Mrs Gamp's brain - as Messrs. Doe and Roe are fictions of the law.但是最流行的一种说法认为她只是甘普夫人头脑中的一个幻影罢了――正像多伊和罗伊先生是法律上假想的人物一样。

2.I bepeve that our contemporary pragmatists, especially Messrs. Schiller and Dewey, have given the only tenable account of this subject.我相信当代的实用主义者,特别是席勒和杜威两位先生,对于这个问题已经给了我们唯一有条理的解释。

3.Messrs Dodd and Frank took the unusual step of reopening the conference that had thrashed out the bill, and stripped out the bank levy.多德和弗兰克先生采取非常步骤重开抛出法案的会议,并且删除了银行税条款。

4.Third, Messrs Brin and Page appear to be trying to do good.第三,布林和佩奇看上去是在努力行善的。

5.Messrs. Bostock and Yang had told him to wait until around December to restart the conversation, this person said.这位知情人士说,博斯托克和杨致远曾让切宁等到12月左右再重新开始讨论。

6.Enclosed please find order for immediate attention, especially that of messrs. suzuki& co. , the well know firm of drapery .同函附上订单,请立即安排,尤其应注意给颇有名气的铃木服装公司供货。

7.Lawmakers continued to unload their frustration on Messrs. Bernanke and Paulson during hearings Wednesday.在周三的听证会上,议员们还在继续发泄他们对贝南克和鲍尔森的不满。

8.If the pilots go well, Google. org plans to scale up fast; at the moment it is spending much less than Messrs Brin and Page promised.如果初期进展顺利,Google.org就计划迅速扩大规模,就目前而言,项目的资金投入情况仍然比谷歌创始人所承诺的要少许多。

9.They informed Messrs. Smith and Richardson that the latter would receive an answer in a few days.他们通知玛丽和约翰后者几天后会收到答复。外贸英语函电第一部分

10.Messrs Shultz and Dam argue that the import surcharge was intended as "an attention-getter and a bargaining chip" .舒尔茨和戴姆认为,征收进口附加税是打算“引人注意,作为谈判筹码”。