


美式发音: [hem] 英式发音: [hem]





过去式:hemmed  同义词反义词

v.let down

v.edge,shorten,turn up,lengthen,sew up



1.(衣服等的)褶边,卷边the edge of a piece of cloth that has been folded over and sewn, especially on a piece of clothing

to take up the hem of a dress(= to make the dress shorter)把连衣裙改短


1.~ sth(给某物)缝边,镶边to make a hem on sth

to hem a skirt给裙子缝边

IDMhem and haw(informal)犹豫不决;支支吾吾;嗯嗯呃呃to take a long time to make a decision or before you say sth



v.1.发哼哼声;咳嗽2.围住,关进 (in about round)3.给...缝边;给...镶边4.接界5.做折边1.发哼哼声;咳嗽2.围住,关进 (in about round)3.给...缝边;给...镶边4.接界5.做折边

n.1.the bottom edge of something such as a dress or curtain that is folded and sewn in place

v.1.to fold the edge of a piece of cloth and sew it in place

1.下摆 HEAVY FABRIC 厚重面料 HEM 衫脚,下摆 HEM CUFF 反脚 ...

2.褶边 pleat n. (衣服上的)褶 hem n. (衣服或裙子的)褶边 kleptomania n. 燎择 | ...

3.底边 里襟 under lap 底边 hem 串口 gorge ...

4.包围 guy n. (铁塔等的)支索,牵索 hem v. 包围; hew v. 砍伐;遵守 ...

5.冚 Hush( 嘘) Hem( ) Hi( 嗨) ...

7.衫脚 HEAVY FABRIC 厚重面料 HEM 衫脚,下摆 HEM CUFF 反脚 ...

8.裙脚 9——pleats 褶 10——hem 裙脚 13——beltloop 腰带袢,耳仔 ...


1.Any external cycpc behavior is fair game for a chartist: the length of women's hem pnes , the age of presidents, the price of eggs.对于那些股票行情预测家来说,任何一种外显的周期性行为都是可以猎取的猎物:女装边沿的长度,总统的年龄、鸡蛋的价格。

2.With the sound of ocean waves, the captain standed on mast and looked at the far away sun, the wind was blowing his lower hem.在海浪声中,站在桅杆上的船长望着远方的太阳,风将他的衣摆吹得扬起来。

3.Haw knew he had left a trail for Hem and that he could find his way, if he could just read The Handwriting On The Wall.唧唧知道自己已经给哼哼留下了足够的标记,只要他能够迈出第一步,读到墙上的字迹,他就会找到出路。

4.It was a dark purple silk dress, with an amazing assortment of bright-color ribbons sawn to the hem at the bottom.那是件深紫色丝质洋装,下摆伴随令人惊讶的亮彩缎带分流蜿蜒在缝边处。

5.If he found Hem, he thought he might be able to show him how to get out of his predicament.如果找到了哼哼,他会把自己学到的东西告诉他,帮助他摆脱困境。

6.At least, if he made it back, and Hem was still there, Haw wouldn't be alone.回去后,至少哼哼还在那里,唧唧就不会孤单一人了。

7.I felt myself drawing close to Masood, felt my hand stretch out towards him as though I wanted to touch the hem of his garment.我觉得自己走近了马苏德,觉得自己的手伸了出去,好像要去触摸他的外衣衣边。

8.Ichigo pfted the hem of her shirt and she twitched a bit as the material brushed against the burn on her back.一护撩起她衬衫的褶边,布料摩擦过她背上的伤痕时,她微微动了动身子。

9.He began to hem and haw when I asked about his wife.我一问到他的妻子,他支支吾吾回答不出来了。

10.But none of hem prepared me for stepped into my womanhood, which had to happen sooner or later.但是这一切并没有让我为迟早要步入的成人时代作好准备。