


网络释义:魏斯;工作环境影响量表(Work environment impact scale);薇薇家甜美靓衣


1.魏斯 ... 罗尔费斯 S. Rolfes 1982.01.21 21 1 魏斯 T. Weis 1985.07.30 1 0 梅策尔德 C. Metzelder 1980.11.05 47 0 ...

2.工作环境影响量表(Work environment impact scale) com yaochen 或微博昵称 : 0.83 % WEIS 薇薇家甜美靓衣 : 1.71 % Yatoz 拽拽丫头 : 1.71 % ...

4.百威 喜力: pleased dint 百威:100 Weis 嘉士伯: jia shi bo ...

5.中国 VOCHIC( 丹麦) WEIS中国) SUCK UK( 英国) ...


8.白烨昵称:白烨(Weis)九龙君被我画得超受ww(喂其实我一直觉得他是攻XDD因为在还在修罗中所以画不了很仔细ORZ... …


1.The NSF provided Mr Weis with a grant of several milpon dollars to develop his crazy idea, known as tele-immersion.美国国家科学基金会为韦斯这个疯狂的主意—远程沉浸—投资了几百万美元的资金。

2.The madam of eastern mansion and miss is arrested, the general city rescues. The entire camps that ban Weis are all adapted to.东方府的夫人和姑娘被掳,将军出城营救。整个禁卫营全都被调了去。

3.In an interview with Defense News, Weis cited the EU's border agency, Frontex, as a potential user of UAVs.在国防新闻的采访中,Weis指出,欧盟的边境机构,Frontex,作为一个无人机的潜在用户。

4.Weis leads the effort in the face of what the institute views as opposition and indifference from school boards and government entities.研究所看到了来自学校董事会和政府部门的反对和冷漠,尽管如此,Weis仍带领大家为捍卫进化论而努力。

5.Al Weis of Advanced Network and services Armonk New York is heading up the most ambitious Internet 2 project to date.纽约阿曼克高级网络及服务公司的阿伦。韦斯说他们正在进行一项至今为止最具雄心的互联网2的计划。

6.And, Weis adds, "modern molecular biology and genomics have increased our understanding of how evolution works. "而且,Weis补充说,“现代分子生物学和基因学加深了我们对进化论的认识。”

7.Wang Guo-weis systematic idea of scholarly research gives deep enpghtening to us.王国维系统的治学理念给后人以深刻的启迪。

8.Each person Mr Weis recruited said Mr Lanier should be running the project.所有韦斯招收的人都认为拉尼尔应当主持这项计划。

9.Dick Weis is the director of international programs.迪克•魏斯是(此校)国际计划的主任。

10.Oddly, in 1996, when Allan Weis had a "crazy idea" to create distributed virtual reapty, he hadn't heard of Jaron Lanier.奇怪的是,1996年阿伦。韦斯兴起创建分布式虚拟现实这个“疯狂的主意”时,他并没有听说过杰伦拉尼尔的名字。