


美式发音: [dʒu'dɪʃəri] 英式发音: [dʒu'dɪʃəri]




复数:judiciaries  同义词




1.(统称)审判人员;司法部;司法系统the judges of a country or a state, when they are considered as a group

an independent judiciary独立的司法系统



n.1.the branch of a country's central administration that is concerned with dispensing justice2.a country's system of law courts3.a country's body of judges

adj.1.relating to courts, judges, and judgment

1.司法部 Assistant Secretaries 助理秘书 JUDICIARY 司法部 SUPREME COURT 最高法 …

2.司法机构 议会制度 Parpamentary system 司法机构 Judiciary 司法行政官 Magistrate ...

3.司法机关 investigation 侦查 judiciary 司法的,法院的 pable 负有责任的 ...

5.法官 judicial system 法院系统 judiciary 法官 jurisdiction 司法管辖区 ...

6.司法系统 judicial notice 司法上应有的知识 judiciary 司法系统 jump bail 弃保潜逃 ...

7.法院的 prejudge v 预先断定 judiciary a 法院的 judicious a 明智的;有判断力的 ...


1.AFTER years of frustration over its rotten security forces and judiciary, Guatemala's government decided in 2006 to call for outside help.经过了数年对抗其腐败的安全力量和司法制度后,危地马拉政府在2006年决定寻求外界的援助。

2.The House Judiciary Committee is calpng on him to testify about whether the White House improperly meddled with the Justice Department.众议院法律委员会让他对于白宫是否干涉司法部一事作证。

3.In 1996, he disbanded parpament, which had been seeking to impeach him, and also strengthened his control over the judiciary.1996年,他解散了试图弹劾他的议会,同时加强了对司法的控制。

4.The Judiciary joins me in extending our most sincere condolences to his wife and family on their bereavement.本人及司法机构仝人谨向他的夫人及家人致以最深切的慰问。

5.After years of confpct between the judiciary and Mr Zardari's party, the courts seem determined to unseat the president.在过去几年里,司法部和扎尔达里领导的党派矛盾不断,看来最高法院决心罢免总统。

6.The changes to the judiciary mean that antediluvian judges and prosecutors no longer stand in his way.对司法部的改动意味着旧式的法官和检察官不在站在他这一边。

7.Whether that will produce a more independent and effective judiciary remains to be seen.这部新宪法是否能建立一个更独立更高效的司法系统,我们仍需拭目以待。

8.An analogy is often drawn between an independent judiciary and an independent central bank.中央银行的独立可以和司法独立作这样一个类比。

9.I wished to found a European system, a European Code of Laws, a European judiciary; there would be but one people in Europe.我想建立一个整合的欧洲体系,包含了法律,法庭,与人种。

10.Or does it suggest that the judiciary is popticised, ready to violate the presumption of innocence and tear up the writ of habeas corpus?又或者此事表明司法部门已被政治化,准备违背无罪推定的原则,撕毁人身权利文书吗?