


美式发音: [suˈpɜrb] 英式发音: [sʊˈpɜː(r)b]




adj.+n.superb service,superb quapty,superb performance,superb condition,superb record





1.极佳的;卓越的;质量极高的excellent; of very good quapty

a superb player一名杰出的运动员

The car's in superb condition.这辆车车况极好。

His performance was absolutely superb.他的表演精彩绝伦。

You look superb.你看上去棒极了。


adj.1.of the highest quapty

1.速派 super 极好的,超级的 superb 极好的,高质量的 supermarket 超级市场 ...

3.昊锐 sunshine 日光,日照;欢乐 superb 壮丽的;高质量的 supermarket 超级市场 ...

5.超等的 garb n. 服装,装束 superb a. 壮丽的;超等的 absorb vt. 吸收;并吞 ...

6.华丽的 sunburnt a. 晒黑的;有晒斑的 superb a. 壮丽的;华丽的;超等的 superficial a. 表面的;肤浅的 ...

7.斯柯达昊锐 super a. 杰出的 superb a. 宏伟的;华美的 superficial a. 表面的;浅薄的 ...


1.I had a superb visit with you and your teachers. You are lucky to work with such a dedicated staff .这次碧桂园之行,我为你有一支专注的教师队伍感到自豪。

2.Mother and I are especially fond of the Tchaikovsky Concerto, and your rendition of it was simply superb.妈妈和我特别喜欢柴可夫斯基的小协奏曲,您把那支曲子演奏得好极了!

3.Fantastic to see that the superb modern-day British morals have now made it into the Olympics.看到了不起的现代英国人的操品已经进入到了奥运会,很好。

4.They lent him pearl-handled pistols and a superb chestnut horse "with more than a touch of Arab to his brow" to take him across the plains.他们借给他一支珍珠手柄的手枪和一匹栗色的、眉宇间很有阿拉伯风情的马,以载他走出大平原。

5.But Sandel's strength and endurance were superb, and he continued to stay on his feet.可是桑德尔的气力和耐力是超群出众的,他仍旧站着。

6.But it is still a superb achievement for a side that have had to battle back from the abyss since the Calciopop scandal.但对刚从闹剧门的深渊中挣扎回到意甲的尤文来说,这已经是个出色的成绩了。

7.This month would be a superb month to have surgery or to see a doctor or coach about helping you end a bad habit.这个月将是一个极好月进行手术或看到有关帮助您结束一个坏习惯,医生或教练。

8.Well, your rumors are totally unfounded as the company is in superb economic condition. Any other questions?嗯.这种谣言是完全没有根据的.因为公司目前的经济状况非常好.还有其他问题吗?

9.Certainly not the quapty of education on offer, which is often superb.当然不是所能提供的教育质量,这通常是顶级的。

10.While your project management style may be superb and your coding technique beyond measure, design comes with its own set of questions.当你对管理和代码问题都能应对自如后,网页设计的问题自然就会浮现出来。