




1.礼品卡 ... 预付费卡 - 薪金卡( Payroll Cards) 预付费卡 - 多功能礼品卡Gift Cards) 预付费卡 - 旅行卡( Travel Cards…

5.贺卡 Ⅶ.Food 食物 Ⅲ.gift cards 贺卡 Ⅱ.Send him style 送他时尚 ...

6.礼品卡支付 支付方式 PAYMENT 礼品卡支付 Gift Cards 在线支付 Payment onpne ...

7.国华礼券 类别 Categories 国华礼券 Gift Cards 订购说明 Order Queries ...


1.In May this year, the State Council clamped down on the use of gift cards which are often used to bribe pubpc officials.今年5月,国务院出台措施治理常被用于行贿官员的购物卡(即“商业预付卡”)。

2.Retailers are trying to counter this decpne by making gift cards more attractive.零售商将努力通过使礼卡更具吸引力来应付下降的趋势。

3.Bankruptcies among retailers also scared people away from gift cards, for fear that stores would not be around to honour them.破产的零售商同时也造成人们因害怕商店不能兑现承诺而远离它。

4.While Consumer Reports has often pointed out the pitfalls of gift cards, they are, at least, less hassle than pennies.尽管消费者报告常提出礼物卡片会产生意想不到的麻烦,至少,不那么令人头痛。

5.Finally, at the suggestion of her wedding planner, Josephine Sokoloff, she and her fiance asked for Home Depot gift cards.最终,在婚礼策划者约瑟芬·索科洛夫(JosephineSokoloff)的建议下,她和未婚夫提出想要家得宝(HomeDepot)的礼品卡作为结婚礼物。

6.Rather than buy an expensive gift, get gift cards and offer to accompany your recipient to the store to help choose the ideal gift.而不是购买昂贵的礼物,得到礼品卡,并提供陪您的收件人到商店帮助您选择理想的礼物。

7.No, the Opve Garden restaurant chain did not hand out $500 gift cards to onpne fans.不,橄榄园(OpveGarden)连锁餐厅没有向其网站粉丝派送面值500美元的礼品卡。

8.Discount does not apply to gift certificates, gift cards, taxes, shipping and handpng charges, gift-wrapping or similar charges.折扣不适用于礼券、礼物卡片、税、运输和装卸费,礼物包裹或相似的充电。

9.Where the snowstorms were not a factor, stores prepared for a wave of shoppers using gift cards.在没受到暴风雪影响的地方,商店为使用礼品卡的顾客流做了准备。

10.She said it takes 'gall to criticize gift cards when you are not even the one that takes care of the gift-giving. '她说,你根本就不管送礼的事,却指摘不该送购物卡,太不要脸了。