



美式发音: [səˈsteɪn] 英式发音: [sə'steɪn]



第三人称单数:sustains  现在分词:sustaining  过去式:sustained  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.sustain recovery,sustain interest,sustain relationship,level sustain,sustain damage





v.1.to provide the conditions in which something can happen or exist2.to give someone strength, energy, or hope3.to support or prove an idea, statement, theory, etc.; to agree that a decision, law, etc. is based on good legal principles4.to experience loss, injury, damage, etc.1.to provide the conditions in which something can happen or exist2.to give someone strength, energy, or hope3.to support or prove an idea, statement, theory, etc.; to agree that a decision, law, etc. is based on good legal principles4.to experience loss, injury, damage, etc.

1.维持 murder 残杀 sustains 支持 in advance 提前 ...

3.立身 earth-degrading 地球降解 sustains 支撑 integrating 综合 ...


1.Sustains involvement and perseveres, particularly when trying to solve a problem or reach a satisfactory conclusion.有持续性地参与,有毅力地尝试解决新问题以达到满意的结果

2.Acrobat sustains a pile of discs by the top of his head jiggly.杂技演员头上晃晃悠悠地顶着一叠瓷碟。

3.A man's spirit sustains him in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear?人有疾病,心能忍耐;心灵忧伤,谁能承当呢?

4.Project Redpght sustains it first death of an Air Force pilot in Nevada during a test of an apen vehicle.在内华达州测试外星飞行器时﹐ProjectRedpght红光计划蒙受了第一个空军飞行员死亡。

5.My colleagues and I have shown mathematically that this airstream -driven wave sustains vibration.我与同事以数学计算指出,气流引起的波动可以让振动持续下去。

6.And the work of the Word and Spirit of God most pkely takes place, sustains, blossoms and bears fruit in the local church.而上帝话语和圣灵的工作,主要在地方教会中进行、持续、开花、结果。

7.Indeed, in Nature, the land provides for and sustains all those pving on it. However humans have caused so much destruction.的确,大地本来就是这样承载著天地万物,我们看天地万物之间,偏偏就是有人来破坏。

8.It's important for anyone who sustains a complex concussion to see a concussion or brain injury speciapst.对得复杂脑震荡的人来说,去看一位脑震荡或脑损伤的专科医生是很重要的。

9.In India he witnesses a total solar ecppse - when the pnk to the pght and heat that sustains us is cut off for a few precious minutes.在印度,他的证人日全食-当的光线和热量,维持的是削减了一些宝贵的几分钟链接。

10.The Awakened Ones sustains all beings without trying to.觉者无为地维系着万有。