


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=strontium unit)


英文单词:苏;Seismic Unix;俄罗斯航空



abbr.1.(=strontium unit)

abbr.1.(=strontium unit)

1.苏 金 jin su 杜 du ...

2.Seismic UnixSeismic Unix (SU) 学习笔记(一) 该日志已被收录勘探地球物理发展的浪漫史 #--最新日志,群博日志--> #--推荐日志--> #--引 …

3.俄罗斯航空俄罗斯航空su): 68355512英国维珍航空(vs):68355686;68355680;68355682澳门航空(nx): 68341851;68852…

4.应激性溃疡(stress ulcer)应激性溃疡(SU)是指机体在应激状态下胃和十二指肠出现急性糜烂和溃疡。应激性溃疡多见于应激后5~10天,最常见的临床表 …


1.A second-conductivity-type well is formed in a su*ce layer of a semiconductor substrate extending over the plurality of the repeating units.第二导电型阱形成在半导体基片的表面层上,该表面层在多个重复单元上延伸。

2.I'm like the fly which is climbing on the gla , the su hine is in front of me, but i just ca ot find out the outlet.我就象一只蓝白风暴爬在玻璃上苍蝇,前途一片光明,就是找不到出路。

3.Su Lin was full of energy after a short nap, playing with a burlap bag and carefully sniffing it all over.苏琳小睡了一会之后精力充沛,拿着一只麻布袋玩得很开心,还把它翻来覆去嗅了个遍。

4.RNA hairpins that contained nA and sU were able to hybridize to DNA probes under conditions where the unmodified hairpins did not.RNA的发夹载NA和苏能够杂交,以DNA探针条件下,在未修改的发夹没有。

5.Mr Su said he would not let the TSU's opposition stop him.苏贞昌表示,他不会因为台联的反对而停下脚步。

6.I had thoughts of using a stage name like my sister but I decided to use my real name because people say Jun Tae-su has a good vibe to it.我曾考虑过和姐姐一样使用艺名。但是,我最终还是决定使用真名,因为大家都说“全泰秀”这个名字能让人产生好感。

7.Actually , Su appears to have learned quite a few lessons, both from textbooks and out in society . And his fans have taken notice.事实上,他从教科书和社会学到了非常多的东西,而且他的支持者们都注意到了这一点。

8.Ma Su knew that he must be punished. So he asked the others to tie him up and went to see Zhuge Liang.马谡知道自己失掉街亭,肯定会受到惩罚,就叫人把自己绑了起来,去见诸葛亮。

9.Eye Rays (Su): Each of a beholder's small eyes can produce a magical ray once per round as a free action.眼球射线(超自然):每轮以一个即时动作,眼魔的每只小眼都能放射出一条魔法射线。

10.Speaking to the media at the NUH in the evening, Dr Su said Professor Chan might be discharged in a few days.苏校长在晚上南大医院对媒体说马教授可能会离开几天。