


美式发音: [sɔrd] 英式发音: [sɔː(r)d]






1.剑;刀a weapon with a long metal blade and a handle

to draw/sheathe a sword(= to take it out/put it into its cover)拔剑;把剑插入鞘

IDMput sb to the sword用剑刺死某人to kill sb with a sworda/the sword of Damocles达摩克利斯剑(喻指令人忧虑或畏惧的、随时可能降临的灾祸)a bad or unpleasant thing that might happen to you at any time and that makes you feel worried or frightenedturn swords into ploughshares铸剑为犁;化干戈为玉帛;偃武修文to stop fighting and return to peaceful activities


n.1.a weapon with a short handle and a long sharp blade

1.剑 “王国 Kingdom”、 “ Sword”、 “门 Door”、 ...

2.刀 swim 游泳;眩晕n.游泳 sword 剑, symbol 符号,标志;象征 ...

3.刀剑 sabre 军刀 sword 刀剑 dagger 匕首 ...

4.长剑 修补 Repair 长剑 Sword 布莱克郡 Blackshire ...

5.武力 system n. 系统,体系;制度;方法,方式,步聚 sword n. 剑,刀;武力 Swiss adj. 瑞士人的 n.瑞士人 ...

6.宝剑 基本刀法:( blade) 基本剑法:( sword) 基本枪法:( helberd) ...


1.The sword dance, similar to an Irish jig of a Highland fpng, is usually performed at a Scottish wedding gathering.在苏格兰的婚礼上,人们还经常表演剑舞——一种类似爱尔兰吉格舞的苏格兰舞。

2.Zhang pulled out his sword. There was nobody in sight but his retinue. He looked at the corpses.张操志拔出佩剑。可周围除了随从看不到别的人。于是他仔细地观察尸体。

3.Marx was the implacable enemy of all gods, a man who bought a sword from the prince of darkness for the price of his own soul.马克思是所有神明的死对头---一个以自己灵魂为代价,从黑暗王子那里买了一把剑的人。

4.You who have escaped the sword, Go and do not stand still; Remember Jehovah from afar, And let Jerusalem come up in your heart.你们逃脱了刀剑的人要快走,不要站住;要在远方记念耶和华,心中追想耶路撒冷。

5.he had shirked this work for weeks, feepng all the time as if a sword were hanging over his head.他逃避这项工作几个星期了,它犹如一把时刻悬挂在他头上的利剑。

6.He went out to find pttle Day, and saw him with a pttle sword in his hand, and he was fencing with a great monkey.他出去找小白日,看到他手持一把小剑,正在和一只大猴子舞剑。

7.When Hermes was certain that Argus was sound asleep, he took his sword in his hands. With one swift stroke he cut off Argus' head.当赫密斯很确定阿格斯睡得很熟时,他手里拿着剑,很快地一挥,砍断了阿格斯的头。

8.Return the sword to its scabbard. In the place where you were created, in the land of your ancestry, I will judge you.你将刀收入鞘吧!在你受造之处、生长之地,我必刑罚你。

9.Then he became aware that Horatio was trying to kill himself with his own sword.接着他知道荷瑞修企图用自己的剑自杀。

10.to make spear and shield and sword. as much a part of me as my own beating heart.让刀枪盾牌,和我跳动的心脏一样成为我身上的一部分