


美式发音: [ˈvɜrn(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈvɜː(r)n(ə)l]





1.春季的connected with the season of spring

the vernal equinox春分


adj.1.happening or appearing in spring

1.春天的 vigorous 有活力的 vernal 春天的 ,青春的 green 青春的,绿色的 ...

2.青春的 Unambitious—— 谦虚的 Vernal—— 青春的 Xylophone—— 木琴 ...

3.春季的 sempiternal 永久的,永恒的 vernal 春季的,春季似的 diurnal 白昼的,白天的 ...

4.春季似的 sempiternal 永久的,永恒的 vernal 春季的,春季似的 diurnal 白昼的,白天的 ...

5.和煦的 ... 109.extraordinary 不寻常的 110.vernal 春天的,和煦的 111.futile 徒劳的, …

6.维尔诺詹姆士·伍兹于1947年4月18日出生于美国犹他州维尔诺Vernal),与大多数明星不一样的是,他还是一位高材生,上中学时 …


1.The average length of day and night that day, while half of the spring of ninety days, it referred to as the "Vernal Equinox. "这天昼夜长短平均,正当春季九十日之半,故称“春分”。

2.It was a bold antiphrasis that gave such a vernal title to this birthplace of icebergs.给这座冰山发源地这样一个温柔的称号真是大胆的反语法。

3.The identification of an "age" with a particular zodiac constellation is based on the sun's position during the vernal equinox.十二星座的“时期”鉴定是建立在太阳在春分点的位置的基础上。

4.The principal Mexican solar festival was held at the vernal equinox, i. e. , Easter, when sacrifices were made to sustain the sun.墨西哥主要的太阳神节日,复活节,是在春分举行,献祭是用来维持太阳的需要。

5.The Teutonic deity Eostra was the goddess of spring and fertipty, and feasts were held in her honor on the Vernal Equinox.日耳曼的Eostra之神是掌管春天以及繁殖的神,人们在春分的时候为她举办盛宴祭拜她。

6.The rate of vernal in relatives of patients was high, so it may be due to genetic origin of the disease.患者的亲属中春季角结膜炎比率高,因此它可能是由于疾病的遗传起源。

7.Recall that vernal equinox is one of the two intersection points of the celestial equator and the ecpptic.赤经计算的起点为春分点,相信你仍记得春分点是天球赤道和黄道的其中一个相交点。

8.The vernal equinox and autumnal equinox herald the beginning of spring and fall, respectively.春分和秋分,分别预告着春季和秋季的开始。

9.Vernal low-temperature disasters are the main meteorological disasters in hilly tea garden which cause serious economic losses.春季低温灾害作为影响丘陵茶园的重要气象灾害,给山区经济造成严重损失。

10.We look forward to vernal arrival in wintry season, look forward to charactizing a fine spring day.我们在冬的季节里盼望春天的到来,盼望鸟语花香。