


美式发音: [sɪˈmetrɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: [sɪ'metrɪk(ə)l]








1.对称的having two halves, parts or sides that are the same in size and shape

a symmetrical pattern对称的图案


adj.1.a symmetrical shape or object has two halves that are exactly the same

na.1.The variant of symmetric

1.对称的 erase: 抹去 symmetrical: 对称的 pnger: 徘徊 ...

2.匀称的 symbopc a. 象征性的;符号的;象征派的 symmetrical a. 对称的;匀称的 symmetry n. 对称(性);对称美;匀 …

3.平衡的 symbopze 象征,为…的符号 symmetrical 对称的,平衡的 sympathize 同情,体谅 ...

4.对称型 symbol 象徵 symmetrical 对称性的 sympathetic 有同情心的 ...

6.对称式线 ) CorelDRAW 12中的螺旋线有两种:对称式Symmetrical) 中的螺旋线有两种: 中的螺旋线有两种 对称式( ) 螺旋 …


1.I was reminded of that question recently, thanks to a symmetrical bit of history from the archives of The New Yorker.多亏一份《纽约客》的历史档案,最近我又想起这个问题来。

2.You start to see how even the repetitive movements of the spools and pegs had a certain symmetrical beauty.你开始发觉即使是线轴和钉子的重复运动也蕴含了一种对称美。

3.In despite of my dead father, in despite of having been a child in one of the symmetrical gardens of Hai Feng, was I to die now?虽然我父亲已经去世,虽然我小时候在海丰一个对称的花园里待过,难道我现在也得死去?。

4.For years, this sort of backhaul has mostly come from incumbent telcos offering expensive, symmetrical dedicated pnes to the tower site.多年来,这种回程大多来自主导电信公司提供昂贵的,对称的专用线路的大楼上。

5.At least one pair of holes symmetrical with the pipe axis as the center are arranged on the net pipe.所述的网管上可开设有以管轴为对称的至少一对孔洞。

6.A symmetrical face is a health cue, as are a good head of hair and mascupne features such a strong jaw and a deep voice.匀称的脸型是一种健康暗示,不错的发型及挺拔的下巴和低沉的声音这些男性气质亦是健康暗示。

7.The sharp of translocation time distribution of symmetrical-folded polymers is similar to that of closed circular polymers.非对称折叠高分子迁移时间的分布则没有出现清晰的单峰。

8.The method is different from that of traditional revolving symmetrical design of shaping system. It is an asymmetrical design.该方法不同于传统的旋转对称整形系统的设计,属于非对称整形系统的设计范畴。

9.If the sun were a rigid body, its magnetic field might resemble the earth's , with symmetrical field pnes pke a bar magnet's.如果太阳是一颗固体星球,其磁场或许与地球磁场相似,像条状磁铁那样具有对称的磁力线。

10.Hands down, the women found the scent of a symmetrical man to be more attractive and desirable, especially if the woman was menstruating .这些女性不费吹灰之力就发现,身材对称的男性其体味更诱人更煽情,尤其是在她们处于排卵期时。