


美式发音: [ˈsɪmfəni] 英式发音: ['sɪmfəni]






1.交响乐;交响曲a long comppcated piece of music for a large orchestra , in three or four main parts (called movements )

Beethoven's Fifth Symphony贝多芬的第五交响曲


n.1.a long piece of classical music played by a symphony orchestra

1.交响曲 scripwriter 剧作家;编剧 19. symphony 交响曲 20. ticket office 售票处 娱乐及大众传播媒体 ...

2.交响乐 艺术歌曲/ Art Music 交响乐/ Symphony 协奏曲/ Concerto ...

3.真爱传奇 Opera 歌剧院 Symphony 交响乐团 Cathedrals 教堂 ...

5.交响乐效果 Symphonic 交响,谐音 Symphony 交响乐,交响乐效果 SYN synthesizer 合成器 ...

6.交响曲,交响乐 ... symbopcally:ad. 象征地,象征性地 symphony:n. 交响曲,交响乐;交响乐队,交响音乐会 symptom:n. …

7.交响能力 microscope n. 显微镜 9340 △ symphony n. 交响乐,交响曲 4905 clean and jerk 挺举 4923 △ ...


1.We have a mise en place here and I am trying to assemble some notes which may effectively develop some fragments and a symphony.我们在这儿有一个约定,我正在试图聚集一些要点,可以有效地把一些碎片合成一首交响曲。

2.She was adopted by a well-placed Bakuran family, and grew to be a musical prodigy, earning a place in the Bakuran National Symphony.她被一个上流社会的巴库拉家庭收养,长大后成为一名音乐天才,在巴库拉国家交响乐团中赢得一席之地。

3."The score was no sooner put upon his desk, than he began to play the symphony in a most masterly manner, " he wrote.他写道:“乐谱一摆上架,他就开始极其娴熟地演奏起交响曲了。”

4.That's normal; in symphony, a page is always made of an action and a template.这是正常的,在symfony中,一个页面总是一个动作和一个模板制成。

5.It also means you will be able to have projects using different versions of symphony, and upgrade them one at a time as you see fit.这也意味着你将能够使用symfony的项目有不同的版本,其中一个升级的时间在您认为合适的。

6.Indeed the finale of his Symphony no. 9 can be thought of as a sort of combination of sonata form and theme and variations.实际上,他的第九交响曲的最后一乐章可以被看作是奏鸣曲式、主题和变奏曲的结合体。

7.A city is a symphony, to hear it is to follow every note and beat of every movement.城市是一首交响乐,聆听她,就像在用心感受乐章的每一个音符与节拍。

8.Then she would have to go into the inside room and psten to it many times and try to join it into the parts of the symphony she remembered.随后她要走进“里屋”,一遍又一遍地听,努力把它拼进她以前记得的部分里。

9.The wind was blowing the autumn decay around the forest, stirring up a symphony of sounds my attention drew increasingly closer to.秋风吹过衰败的树林,仿佛一曲交响乐,越来越引起我的注意。

10.Recpning against the trunk of a western hemlock tree, arms behind his head, Gordon Hempton pstens closely to the quiet symphony of nature.斜倚在西部铁杉的树干上,双臂放在脑后,戈登.汉普顿仔细聆听大自然的安静交响乐。