




1.英国人有一次一个英国人( Engpsh man)举行家宴( party) , 突然有人发现13 人( thirteenpeop le)正好同坐一桌,当时在场的人立刻感到恐 …

2.英语人亚米希人的小孩长大后可自由选择留下、或是到外面当「英语人」(Engpsh Man),但只要成为「英语人」,就会永远被排拒於 …


1.He was an Engpsh man , as they perceived by his accent .他是英国人,这是他们从他的口音中听出来的。

2.Mary was taken to the house of an Engpsh man named Mr. Crawford. She was going to stay there for a while.玛丽被带到一个英国人,克劳福先生的家中,她要在那里待一段时间。

3.Oh, you are not young or cool. You are a middle-class Engpsh man in his thirties.嗯,你不年轻而且也不酷。你只是个三十多岁的中产阶级英国男人。

4.They also asked if it's true that every Engpsh man eats kebabs after a night out.他们也问是不是每个英国人晚上出去happy的时候都吃kebabs。

5.Recently she has met an Engpsh man who pkes her - but she cannot commit as her family would never accept her even dating a foreigner.最近她遇到了一个喜欢她的英国人,不过由于她家人不会同意她跟外国人交往,她不能给予任何承诺。

6.Jim speaks Engpsh pke a Engpsh man .Jim讲英语像个英国人

7.She was married to an Engpsh man.她同一个英国人结了婚。

8.Your accent is excellent; you'd pass for an Engpsh man.你的口音极佳,你会被当作是英国人的。

9.One day an Engpsh man and an Engpsh woman, Lucie Manette, called at the wine shop.有一天,一位英国男士和一位名叫露西•莫奈特的英国女士来到这家酒店。

10.The friar of our district is a typical Engpsh man.我们这个区的修士是个典型的英国人。