

Take action

美式发音: 英式发音: 




v.act,do something,take the plunge,take the bull by the horns,take steps


na.1.着手,动手,开始2.采取行动3.采取(快速)措施4.提起诉讼 (against)1.着手,动手,开始2.采取行动3.采取(快速)措施4.提起诉讼 (against)

1.采取行动 put out of action 使失去效用 take action 采取行动;提出诉讼 adapt to 适应 ...

2.行动起来 argue with: 争辩 take action采取措施 be attentive to: 认真倾听/观察…… ...

4.采取行动,采取措施 accept: 接受。 take action: 采取行动,采取措施。 suffer from: 受……之苦。 ...

5.实施行动 ... 方案选择矩阵 Analysis Matrix 实施行动 Take action 监督进程 Supervise progress ...

6.付诸行动 LIVE, 生活,滋润生活 take action 英文意:付诸行动! how lucky 英文意:真幸运 …

7.马上行动Informed)、互动讯息(Interact)到马上行动Take Action),而在获取新知的部分,包含我们熟悉的日常生活分类,如交 …


1.If you ever feel inspired, take action with it. Don't let anyone tell you why you shouldn't; at least lace up and give it a try.如果你有想法,立即实行。不要让别人告诉你你不可以做这个,至少你要系上鞋带去试一试。

2.He said that if you want to achieve what you want, just take action and do 5 things that will get you to your goal each and everyday.他说如果你想得到你想要的,只要采取行动,每天做五件能让你达到目标的事情。

3.Where you used to let messages sit in your inbox for a day or two to decide what to do with it, you take action the first time you read it.相对于你过去花一到两天时间来决定收件箱中邮件去留的习惯,如今的你打开信件阅读的那一刻,你就迈出了行动的第一步。

4.If this move becomes excessive, we have to take decisive action. I already instructed my staff on Saturday to be prepared to take action.如果投机太猖獗了,我们不得不采取行动,我已经在周六通知我的员工做好准备。

5.If you take action against abuse, you want to be able to refer to the clauses in terms of use that support your action.如果对滥用信息采取操作,您需要能够参考支持操作的使用条款。

6.Whether the masses understand it and are ready to take action can be discovered only by going into their midst and making investigations.群众是否已经了解并且是否愿意行动起来,要到群众中去考察才会知道。

7.The awareness of the fact that the child was in danger impelled the popce to take action.警察意识到小孩正处于危险中,这迫使他采取行动

8.Please call governments, everybody, to ask government to take action to stop SMIC School. Call School's PTA as well.请大家积极打电话给政府(教育局、物价局和财政局),请政府出面制止学校的疯狂举动。同时致电学校PTA。

9.first, decide exactly what you want, write it down with a deadpne, make a plan and take action - on at least one goal - today!就在今天明确你的目标,把它写下来,设定期限,做一个计划并马上行动,至少确定一个目标!

10.The birds would not be able to find food until they start to take action and fly out of their comfort zone.只有当鸟儿们真正采取行动并且飞出它们的安乐窝,它们才能找到食物。