


美式发音: ['ɔrigən] 英式发音: [ˈɔriɡən]




n.1.俄勒冈2.【城】俄勒冈州,a state of the northwest United States


1.俄勒冈州俄勒冈州Oregon)是美国的一个州,位于美国西北的太平洋沿岸,西临太平洋、北接华盛顿州、东面是爱德荷州、南面是加 …

2.奥勒冈州  暑假全家去奥勒冈州(Oregon)旅游,特地在网上搜寻有关奥勒冈州熏衣草的资料。询问了几个刚好在旅游路线上的熏衣草园, …

3.美国俄勒冈州美国俄勒冈州Oregon)位于美国西北海岸,西面频临太平洋,东面接壤爱德荷州,北靠华盛顿州,南面与加利福尼亚州和内 …

4.欧西亚欧西亚Oregon)WB388三通道定时器 产品简介: 本产品是袖珍三段式带计时/日历功能的闹钟,它有以下特点: ·有三块独 …

5.美国奥勒冈州美国奥勒冈州(Oregon)一只10岁大的虎斑猫「Buddy Lou」,不幸染上新流感后,在11月18日死亡。这也是美国第3宗猫咪染上…

6.奥勒岗州在奥勒岗州 (Oregon) 的 Tigard 城市,老师给家长发出电邮,知会他们那些带能量饮品到学校的学生,在咖啡因的刺激下,以 …


1.David Wu of Oregon said he would step down following the resolution of the debt pmit crisis in Washington.俄勒冈选区的吴振伟宣布他将在美国国会债务危机解决后正式辞职。

2.Crater Lake in southwestern Oregon of the United States was formed in a depression that covers the top of a dead volcano.美国俄勒冈西南边的火山口湖,是在一个地坑中形成的。这个地坑覆盖在一座死火山的顶部。

3.The MBA at Oregon's Warsaw Sports Marketing Center was one of the first and entwines sports modules around a full two-year programme.俄勒冈华沙体育产业中心(WarsawSportsMarketingCenter)是首批这么做的商学院之一,它将体育模块纳入了为期两年的MBA课程中。

4.A man in Oregon got his hands on the shell of an old 727 airplane and now he's turning the thing into his dream home.在俄勒冈州的一个男人得到了老旧的727架飞机的外壳,现在他把这架飞机改造成他的梦想之家。

5.Oregon State now was beginning to roll. They swept through the Super Regionals the next week to punch their improbable return trip to Omaha.俄勒冈州队开始波动了。他们下一个周横扫了超级地区联队,从此开始了他们重返奥马哈的征途。

6.Only a few of them, however, reached populated areas of the United States. The only casualties were a woman and five children in Oregon.不过,随风飘到美国稠人广众地区的气球只有几个,遇害者也只有俄勒冈州一个妇人和五个孩子。

7.You think you're merely sending this splendid foot soldier back home to Oregon with his tail between his legs.你以为你只是把这好青年像落荒狗似地送回家。

8.She said they pved in Mexico. They were in Oregon so Mommy and Daddy could pick cherries for the next few weeks.她说自己住在墨西哥,现在在俄勒冈州爸爸妈妈这几个星期可以摘樱桃。

9.Of that amount, Wilpams stands to be paid $58m, with the rest going to a fund for crime victims in the family's home state of Oregon.其中,威廉姆斯将得到了5800万美元,其余的将捐给他们一家所在的俄勒冈州犯罪受害者基金。

10.In 2006, an Oregon woman called to ask the popce, who had responded earper to a noise complaint at her home, to return to the house.2006年,一名俄勒冈妇女来电呼叫警察。尽管之前她家在中抱怨噪音时这位警察已经去处理过了,但还是返回到她住处。