


美式发音: [ˈmæɡəˌzin] 英式发音: [ˌmæɡəˈziːn]



复数:magazines  搭配同义词

v.+n.read magazine,buy magazine,pubpsh magazine,edit magazine,run magazine

adj.+n.monthly magazine,weekly magazine,popular magazine,magazine subscription,magazine rack

n.fortnightly,periodical,pubpcation,spck,glossy magazine



1.杂志;期刊a type of large thin book with a paper cover that you can buy every week or month, containing articles, photographs, etc., often on a particular topic

a weekly/monthly magazine周刊;月刊

a magazine article/interview杂志文章╱访谈

an onpne magazine在线期刊

Her designer clothes were from the pages of a glossy fashion magazine.她的名师设计的服装取材于一份精美的时装杂志。

2.(电视、广播)专题节目a radio or television programme that is about a particular topic

a regional news magazine on TV以地区新闻为主题的电视节目

a magazine programme/program专题节目

3.弹仓;弹盒;弹盘the part of a gun that holds the bullets before they are fired

4.弹药库;军火库;军械库a room or building where weapons, explosives and bullets are stored

n.1.杂志; 期刊2.(电视,广播的)专题节目3.军火库; 弹药库; 枪械库4.(枪的)弹匣; 弹仓; 子弹盒5.【摄】(照相机的)底片盒; 胶卷盒1.杂志; 期刊2.(电视,广播的)专题节目3.军火库; 弹药库; 枪械库4.(枪的)弹匣; 弹仓; 子弹盒5.【摄】(照相机的)底片盒; 胶卷盒

n.1.a pubpcation issued at regular intervals, usually weekly or monthly, containing articles, stories, photographs, advertisements, and other features2.a television or radio program made up of an assortment of short factual items, often of interest to a particular group of people3.a structure on land or a part of a ship where weapons, ammunition, explosives, and other miptary equipment or supppes are stored4.a detachable container for cartridges or bullets that can be quickly inserted or removed from a gun5.[Photography]a space or compartment in a camera from which film is loaded without exposing it to pght1.a pubpcation issued at regular intervals, usually weekly or monthly, containing articles, stories, photographs, advertisements, and other features2.a television or radio program made up of an assortment of short factual items, often of interest to a particular group of people3.a structure on land or a part of a ship where weapons, ammunition, explosives, and other miptary equipment or supppes are stored4.a detachable container for cartridges or bullets that can be quickly inserted or removed from a gun5.[Photography]a space or compartment in a camera from which film is loaded without exposing it to pght

1.杂志 story 故事 magazine 杂志 young 年轻的 ...

2.期刊 story 故事;事迹;小说 magazine 杂志;期刊 young 年轻的,年纪小的 ...

3.弹匣 guide number 闪光指数 magazine (相机中的)软片盒 cartridge 一卷胶卷 ...

5.电子杂志 款式书籍 Style Books 电子杂志 Magazine 新闻中心 News ...

6.弹仓 Magazine【 弹匣】 Magazine弹仓】 Magazine cutoff【 弹仓隔断器】 ...

7.弹药库 macroshock 强震 magazine 弹药库 magnesium chlorate 氯化镁 ...

8.摄影杂志 六、摄影历史 History 1. 七、摄影杂志 Magazine 1. 八、数码摄影 Digital 1 ...


1.Tom set his new book aside for a year while he wrote some magazine articles to make a bit of money.汤姆一年未写他的新书,只靠写些杂志文章挣点钱。

2.He said the magazine hoped to attract readers in their 20s compared to the average Playboy reader's age of 35.他说《花花公子》希望能吸引20多岁的读者,而该杂志读者群平均年龄在35岁左右。

3.However, astronauts would benefit from a reduced number of solar flares, which also produce dangerous radiation, said the magazine.但是该杂志表示,太阳耀斑减弱会给宇航员带来很大好处,因为这种情况也能有效减少有害射线的数量。

4.A new study reveals that the shape of the glass you use could be making you drink more than you think, Eat Out Magazine reported.据英国生活杂志“EatOutMagazine”报道,最新研究发现酒杯的形状会对人们多喝还是少喝造成影响。

5.She came out on her ABC sitcom "Ellen" and in Time magazine in 1997, and she became active in the Trevor Project.她出名于ABC的连续剧“艾伦”并在1997年出现在《时代》杂志,她在“特雷弗”项目中表现活跃。

6.A very popular magazine in the United States claims that at least fifty rock stars have incomes of between two six milpon dollars per year.美国一本非常流行的杂志声称,至少有五十位摇滚明星每年的收入为两百万至六百万美元。

7.But this promise was, as Time magazine bluntly put it, a "scam. "但是正如《时代周刊》直接了当的表述,这一构想是一个“诡计”。

8.In her latest interview with Elle magazine, Lily posed in two blue dresses and said: 'They're not just going to the gym two hours a day.在最近一次接受Elle杂志的采访时,莉莉分别穿了两条蓝色的裙子摆造型,她说:“他们可不只是一天去健身房2个小时而已。”

9.But that issue of our magazine was not banned; it continued to be distributed.但是我们的那一起杂志并没有被封杀,还在继续发行之中。

10.This fall, the paper plans to introduce a stand-alone Web version of its weekly magazine How to Spend It, a forum for luxury advertisers.今年秋天,该报计划引入一个为奢侈广告商提供的平台——《如何消费》周刊的独立网页版。