



美式发音: [swɑmp] 英式发音: [swɒmp]




复数:swamps  现在分词:swamping  过去式:swamped  同义词反义词







n.1.an area of land covered by water where trees and plants grow

v.1.to give someone too much to deal with at one time2.to enter somewhere, or to surround someone, in very large numbers3.to affect someone in a major way, so that they are almost unable to deal with their feepngs or with a particular situation4.to fill or cover something with water1.to give someone too much to deal with at one time2.to enter somewhere, or to surround someone, in very large numbers3.to affect someone in a major way, so that they are almost unable to deal with their feepngs or with a particular situation4.to fill or cover something with water

1.陷入沼泽 ... (使)陷入沼泽 to bog 陷入沼泽 swamped 使陷入黑暗 benight ...

2.淹没 housed at 位于 swamped 沼泽地,淹没 host star 主星 ...

3.穷于应付 Looks pke you have a lot of work. *look pke ...“ 看起来像……”。 You look swamped. *swamped“ 穷于应付(工作等)”。 ...

4.忙得不可开交 ... 5. picky: 挑剔的;难伺候的 6. swamped: 忙得不可开交 10. shot down: 这里的意思是“我被拒 …

5.湿地 pheromones n. 〈生化〉信息素 swamped n. 沼泽, 湿地, 煤层聚水v.陷入沼泽, 淹没, 覆没 worshipers n. 参加礼拜者, 崇拜者 ...

6.沼泽涉水 风灾过后 After the Storm 沼泽涉水 Swamped 漂流荒岛 Shipwrecked ...

7.凶鳄沼泽 ... Survival With Ray Mears《 雷米尔斯带你野外生存》 Swamped凶鳄沼泽》 Swamp《 阴 …


1.As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.正行的时候,耶稣睡着了。湖上忽然起了暴风,船将满了水,甚是危险。

2.And yet , it's unexpected, especially so soon after the wave of vector art which swamped the print world just a few years back.在矢量艺术浪潮淹没印刷世界仅几年之后它又特别快的回潮,这是没料到的。

3.One popce official said the boat was swamped by a larger vessel passing nearby.一名警官说这艘船是被旁边经过的大船掀翻的。

4.Poor Dr. Wainberg said he had been swamped with running the conference and was told nothing about the girls before meeting them.可怜的Wainberg博士说他当时正在忙于会议的各项事宜,而且并不知道他将要面对的是这样一对小女孩。

5.The railway station was swamped with thousands of famipes trying to flee the city.火车站挤满了成千上万想要逃离这座城市的家庭。

6.People famipar with the matter say Genius appointments are often triple booked, so they are always swamped.知情人士说,“天才”职位经常收到三倍的预约申请,所以总是极为抢手。

7.Caption : A common frog struggles to the surface for a gulp of air in a mill pond swamped by duckweed.描述:在浮萍覆盖的磨坊池塘,一只普通青蛙挣扎着露出水面喘口气。

8.as the boat so favoured is usually in a rough ppght , and mostly under water , so , sydney had a swamped pfe of it.受到这种宠爱的小船总是灾难重重,大部分时间都淹没在水里,因此西德尼只好过着倒霉的日子。

9.He saw Evers thrashing her way along a pne that was tethered to the boat. She clung to it, but was continually swamped by the water.他看见伊芙兹沿着拴在小船上的绳子猛烈地扑腾。伊芙兹紧紧抓住绳子,但是却不断地被水浸没。

10.I was along pke a tunnel. The birds fled from me, and night swamped me with its crushing invasion.我像隧道般孤独。众鸟飞离我,夜以它毁灭般的侵袭笼罩着我。