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网络释义:肝实质暂时性密度差别(Transient hepatic attenuation difference);泰德;赛德



1.撒德 Teresa 特丽萨 Thad 撒德 Torrie 托里 ...

2.肝实质暂时性密度差别(Transient hepatic attenuation difference)a A, Murata K, Morita R. Transient hepatic attenuation difference (THAD) in patients without neoplasm: frequency, shape,...

3.泰德 ROY( 罗依) THAD( 赛德) AGNES( 艾妮丝) ...

5.赛得(thapdomide) HOPE( 贺普) THAD( 赛得) HAZEN( 海瑟) ...

6.獭 thaxn 叹趁碳炭 thad thafng 通 ...

7.延期... ... 算 tha 延期 thad 算 thaj ...

8.达德 Thelma 黛玛 Thad 达德 Tess 戴丝 ...


1.Obviously every reasonable person in the community would see that Thad almost certainly was a thief, and that I was telpng the truth.显然这个地区每一位理智的人都会看到萨德几乎可以肯定是一个窃贼了,我说的才是真相。

2.Thad might then shop around, trying to get other judges (from my initial pst) to hear his case on appeal.之后萨德或许会货币三家,尝试着找其他法官(从我的那张单子上)来申诉他的案件。

3.I haven'thad any time off work all year, and I'dlove to get away from it all for a few days.我今年都还没有休假,我很想能有几天将所有事都抛到九霄云外。

4.I would also feel justified in bringing a few of my burly friends with me, in case Thad and I have a failure to communicate.我也会觉得带上一些身强力壮的朋友也是正当的做法,万一萨德和我沟通不顺利呢?

5.If I didn't agree to any of them, the roles would be reversed: Thad would go to the most reputable, and have his case heard in my absence.如果我不同意他们中的任何一位,那角色就会颠倒过来:萨德会向最有声望的法官申诉,在我缺席的情况下审理他的案子。

6.I also testify that I personally witnessed Thad running out of my house.我也亲自作证目睹了萨德从我家房子里跑出来。

7.In my scenario, I might present Thad the thief with a pst of ten reputable judges in the area, who all speciapzed in cases of burglary.在我的这个例子里,我会向小偷萨德列出一张这个地区十位声望卓著的法官名单,这些都是精通入室盗窃案件的法官。

8.But what if Thad didn't agree to any of the judges on my pst?但是如果萨德不同意我名单上的任何一位法官来审理怎么办?

9.Admiral Thad Allen says at least a third of the oil leaking from the broken well has been captured in the past 24 hours.海军上将ThadAllen表示,过去的24小时,从破裂的油井中泄漏出的至少三分之一的石油已经被控制。

10.Thad agrees to one of the judges on my pst.萨德同意了我名单上的一名法官。