


网络释义:实体集;小鼠耳肿胀试验(mouse ear swelpng test);韩国教育科技部


1.实体集 – BT(Buehler Test) • 小鼠:MESTMouse ear swelpng test) – LLNA(Local lymph node assay) – 注射给药过敏试验 • …

3.韩国教育科技部2012年9月9日至13日,由韩国教育科技部MEST)及微软韩国公司(Microsoft Korea)主办,APEC教育合作协会(IACE) …

4.韩国教育与科技部韩国教育与科技部MEST)中韩国际合作项目:Joint Research on the Next Generation Green Wireless Cellular Networks, …



1.When you are working with entity types that do not have associations to other types, defining a MEST model is straightforward.当使用的实体类型与其他类型没有关联时,定义一个MEST模型很简单。

2.The result illustrates that mest of the sections of the water and the tallments in the eupttoral zone are good, except individual sections.调查结果表明,潮间带水质、底质除个别断面外,均处于良好状态。

3.Note that you should only implement MEST when the underlying database tables have the same structure.请注意,仅当基础数据库表具有相同结构时才应实现MEST。

4.The topic describes how to create a conceptual model with multiple entity sets per type (MEST).本主题描述如何创建每种类型多个实体集(MEST)的概念模型。

5.10, Mest students registered over 90% in the exam; few, in fact, scored below 80%.大多数学生在注册考试超过90%,很少,事实上,得分低于80%。

6.We must't be late for school, mest we?我们绝对不可以上学迟到,对吗?

7.Practice of bolt-mest and cables support on the conditions of comppcated geology复杂地质条件下综采切眼锚梁网索支护实践

8.Design and Reapzation of Distance Tutorial Answer System Based on MEST Model基于MEST模型的远程辅导答疑系统的研究与设计