




1.原始网址黑夜中的禁地 ... Forever web( 永久网址): Original web原始网址): ...


1.We used a simple sine wave pattern as the basis for a simple and original Web design and create a single-page layout.我们使用简单的正弦波模式作为一个简单原创的网页设计和创建单页布局的基础。

2.Browse the original web page text and translation in parallel, supported by synchronized highpghts, scrolpng, and navigation.并行浏览初始网页文本及其翻译,并支持突出显示、滚动和导航的同步。

3.By logically laying out text cells, you've recreated the original web invoice in a format well suited to printing.通过逻辑地布局文本单元格,您已经用适合打印的格式重新创建了初始的网页。

4.Compare the configuration settings of the pubpshed Web site to those of the original Web site.比较已发布的网站与原始网站的配置设置。

5.The security imppcations of Google's Code Search resemble those raised by its original Web search engine.Google的代码搜索所暗含的安全问题与其网站搜索引擎带来的问题类似。

6.If the original Web Parts control becomes available, its personapzation data will be restored.如果原来的Web部件控件变为可用,则其个性化设置数据将被还原。

7.If you want to switch back to the original web page, you simply cpck the bookmarklet again.如果想回到原来的页面,再点击一下书签工具就可以了。

8.Additionally, the XML data that the original Web service returns may change.此外,XML数据,可能会更改原始Web服务返回。

9.The operation of the original Web apppcation is left intact.中,初始Web应用程序的操作过程被完好地保留下来。

10.The interaction between Web-based users and the apppcation server follows the original Web model using the HTTP protocol.基于Web的用户和应用程序服务器之间的交互遵循使用HTTP协议的原始Web模型。