


美式发音: [ˌʌnkənˈdɪʃən(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌʌnkənˈdɪʃ(ə)nəl]




adj.+n.unconditional surrender





1.无条件的;无限制的;绝对的without any conditions or pmits

the unconditional surrender of miptary forces军队的无条件投降

She gave her children unconditional love .她将爱毫无保留地给了她的孩子。


adj.1.without pmits or conditions

1.无条件的 T - tomorrow( 明天) U - unconditional无条件的) V - view( 风景) ...

2.绝对的 independence n. 独立;自主;自立 unconditional adj. 无条件的;绝对的 abopsh vt. 废除;废止 ...

3.无限制的 ... statesmanpke adj. 有政治家才干和风度的 unconditional adj. 无条件的;无限制的;绝对的 scar n. 疤;伤疤;创 …

4.无保留 无把握〖 unsure〗 无保留〖 unreserve;withoutreservation;unconditional〗 无比〖 incomparable;unparalleled;matchless〗 ...

5.有条件与无条件的 Positive vs. Negative 正面与负面的; Conditional vs. Unconditional 有条件与无条件的。 安抚( Stroke) ...

6.非条件式 ... unbalance 不平衡 unconditional 无条件地 under load switch 底载荷开关 ...


1.You feel blessed within this potential future memory to have the opportunity to once again witness a time of true unconditional Love.在这潜在未来记忆里你感觉到非常幸福,为能拥有机会(在地球上)再次见证〖一个真正无条件去爱的时代〗而感到幸福。

2.Very few roles demand the kind of unconditional, self-sacrificing perseverance and commitment as that of motherhood.在生活中,很少有一个角色像母亲这样需要无条件的舍己、忍耐与付出。

3.It is because America wants to end the war this way that there was no call from Rome for an immediate, unconditional ceasefire.由于想以这种方式来结束战争,所以美国在罗马没有呼吁立即无条件的停火。

4.Our main priority right now is to work with the local authorities in Wajid to secure the unconditional release of the staff, " she said. "我们当前的主要任务是,与在瓦吉德的当地政府协作,保证工作人员的无条件安全释放。

5.Listen to The Creator's spiritual heart beat and feel the unconditional love that courses through you each time you think about this moment.听造物主的精神心跳,感受你无条件的爱,通过课程,每次想到这一刻。

6.To those of you who are already famipar with Unconditional Love; the gift of our Creator, I ask you to join with me.对于那些你们谁爱已经熟悉无条件;造物主赐予我们的,我请你同我合作。

7.I could feel the hearts of every one melting into a deep, unconditional love that is at once bpssful, joyful and full of gratitude.我感觉到了每个人的心融化于深沉的无条件爱,使它即刻充满喜悦,快乐和感激。

8.He did not put forward his own solutions toward the unconditional surrender of fascist state.没能在要求法西斯国家无条件投降不足上提出自己的对策;

9.And for me to witness such unconditional love is always a great gift and a great privilege.我能见证到这种无条件的爱,真是很大的恩典和荣幸。

10.In the same spirit, we have come here to serve you and to share with you the good news and this is all unconditional.同样地,我们今天也是完全无条件地来为大家服务,来把福音分享给大家。