


美式发音: [θʌɡ] 英式发音: [θʌɡ]



复数:thugs  同义词




1.恶棍;暴徒;罪犯a violent person, especially a criminal

a gang of thugs一伙暴徒


n.1.a man who is violent, especially a criminal

1.暴徒 暴跳〖 stampwithfury〗 暴徒〖 bandit;brute;ruffian;thug〗 暴行〖 savageact〗 ...

2.恶棍 thug 恶棍, 刺客, 凶手 ... blueberry 乌饭树... ...

3.刺客 thug 恶棍, 刺客, 凶手 ... blueberry 乌饭树... ...

4.凶手 sycophant 马屁精 thug 暴徒,凶手 tramp 流浪汉 ...

5.流氓 a gang of ruffians 一帮恶棍 thug 流氓 rogue 无赖 ...

6.救赎 ... 夜车道 Night Drive 救赎 Thug 像土豆一样的信仰 Faith Like Potatoes ...

7.强盗 murder [美]私刑处死 thug 恶棍;暴徒;强盗 motley 混乱的;杂乱的 ...


1.A chief of Popce who had seen an Officer beating a Thug was very indignant, and said he must not do so any more on pain of dismissal.一个警察局长看到一个警察正在打一个恶棍,他很气愤,告诫这个警察不许再这样做,否则就开除他。

2.That girl was not a bit pke a thug and did it deserve such a blowup ?那个女孩,好像也不是什么歹徒的模样,用得着教授大动干戈吗?

3.The only Serb he would deal with was Slobodan Milosevic, a "thug" he tolerated because he could be a thug himself.他唯一愿意打交道的塞尔维亚人是斯洛博丹·米洛舍维奇,他能够容忍这个“暴徒”是因为他自己本人也可能是一个暴徒。

4.Until recently, central bankers thought that this thug had been locked up for pfe.直到最近,中央银行家仍然以为这个恶棍已被终身囚禁。

5.The tusk-mouthed thug soon learned not to tangle with the ward of a Jedi, as Obi-Wan Kenobi intervened with a flash of his pghtsaber.欧比—万·克诺比亮起光剑介入此事后,这个口露獠牙的暴徒很快懂得不要惹一个受绝地监护的人。

6.Please do not repeat it. " " But, " said the Officer, still smipng, " it was a stuffed Thug.“但是”,警察仍旧笑着说,“这个恶棍是个填充人偶。”

7.I still wonder what happened to that happy-go-lucky semi - thug who used to hang out with drug dealers on dimly - pt street corners.我至今无法理解,这个曾经游手好闲,成天在阴暗的街角与毒品贩子混在一起的准恶棍身上到底发生了什么?

8.Mr Walker is now a professor of Engpsh at a state college in Massachusetts, far from the streets he used to haunt as a thug.沃克没有在他以往混迹的街头上成为一个恶棍,恰恰相反,现在他是麻省一所州立大学的英语教授。

9.The minister, a large man who looks younger than his years, said he is able to talk with gang members because he "used to be a thug. "牧师身材高大,看去比他实际岁数年轻。他说,他能与帮派成员说上话,因为他过去曾是一个“痞子”。

10.Our attitude seems to be, "Sure, that dictator is a murderous thug, but he's our murderous thug"我们的态度似乎总是,“确实,那个独裁者是个侩子手,但他却是我们的侩子手。”