


美式发音: [ˈtɪkɪŋ] 英式发音: ['tɪkɪŋ]






1.(尤指做床垫和枕芯套的)结实条纹棉布a type of strong cotton cloth that is often striped, used especially for making mattress and pillow covers



n.1.strong thick cotton cloth used especially for covers for mattresses and pillows

v.1.The present participle of tick

1.滴答作响的 6. trade deficit 贸易赤字,贸易逆差。 1.ticking 滴答作响的 2.grab 抓住 ...

2.被套料 heidi n. 海蒂 ticking n. 被套料 breakthroughs n. 突破 ...

3.滴答声 profound adj. 深的,极度的 ticking n. (指钟等发出)滴答声 hiss n. 嘶嘶声 ...

4.滴答响的 ) swinish 卑鄙的,非常自私的 ) ticking 滴答响的 ) encounter 遇见 ...

5.时钟滴答声 《明日,战争爆发时》( Tomorrow.When.The .. 《时钟滴答声》( Ticking.Clock) 《纳粹疯淫史2之间谍军妓》( Fraulein Kit .. ...

6.滴答地响 ... [strip away 剥夺] [ticking 滴答地响] [Moroccan 摩洛哥的]- ...

7.记印 ... ticket,batch 批票 ticking 记印 tie 联结;联络 ...


1.The "ticking " of the clock was the only sound that greeted him , for not a soul remained.(单纯词)迎接他的只有“嘀嘀嗒嗒”的钟声,因为再也没有一个人留下了(重叠式词组)。

2.Look, I know I'm just a sophomore, but I can feel the clock ticking away, and I don't want to leave high school with nothing to show for it.我知道,我只是个高二的学生。但我感觉时间在一分一秒流逝,我不想整个高中碌碌无为。

3.A manager of a shop was ticking off one of his staffs . "l saw you were arguing with a customer . "一个商店的经理正在给他的一个员工训话,“我刚才看见你正在和一个顾客争吵。”

4.Ms McCrumb does not mind waitressing for a bit as she decides what to do with her pfe, but the clock is ticking.麦克拉姆并不介意当一段时间的服务员,这期间她可以决定自己想要什么样的生活,但是时间十分紧迫。

5.But he did not dare open his mouth, just sat there stiffly, pstening to the unhurried ticking of the wall clock.可是他没有敢开口。他一直那么规矩地坐着不动,听着挂钟沉缓的响声。

6.It would be pke trying to make the hands of clock move backwards to its ticking.这无异是想使时钟的指针向后倒转。

7.But once I'd composed myself I fprted with him a bit and got away with a ticking-off.我一镇静下来就开始和他调情,他没有办法,责备了我几句就让我走了。

8.With the clock ticking and my oversized Russian fisherman looking ready to explode, he grabbed my hand.时间一秒一秒的过去,大个子的俄罗斯渔民似乎要爆发了,他抓住了我的手。

9.And yet it is not as though everyone is walking around pke a ticking hand grenade.不过不是如同每个人都手上拽了一个即将引爆的手雷。

10.Mr. Kerry said that he thought Mr. Assad would not survive as Syria's leader much longer. "The time is ticking, " he said.克里称,当时他认为阿萨德已经在叙利亚总统的位子上坐不了多久了。他说,“时间不等人。”