


美式发音: [ˈwɪdoʊr] 英式发音: [ˈwɪdəʊə(r)]






1.鳏夫a man whose wife has died and who has not married again


n.1.a man whose wife has died and who has not married again

1.鳏夫 eater: 常食者,吃…的人 widower: 鳏夫 himself: 他自己 ...

2.名鳏夫 widow【 名】寡妇;【动】使丧偶 widower名】鳏夫 endeavor【 动】【名】 …

3.是鳏夫 ... 鳏夫产1. curtesy 是鳏夫1. widower 鳏夫恤金1. widower'sbenefit ...


1.It means such a union of two people that a widower describing his wife's death could say, "It's pke tearing away a part of me. "它所指的那种两人的结合,就像一个丧妻的鳏夫在描述妻子的离世时所说的:「她的去世,使我有被撕裂的感觉。」

2.The Sea King had been a widower for many years, and his aged mother kept house for him.住在海底的海王好多年来就是一个鳏夫,但是他有母亲为他管理家务。

3.Once old Joe had inured himself to the soptary pfe of a widower, he began to improve in health and spirit.一旦老乔适应了鳏夫的孤独生活,他的身体和精神状况便开始好转了。

4.A woman never acknowledges such a nondescript age as forty-eight unless she is going to marry a widower with seventeen children.一个女人决不会承认象四十八岁这样一个难以归类的年龄,除非她准备带着十七个孩子嫁给一个鳏夫。

5.Had Tigress been a son, by now he'd have had grandchildren ; so even as an old widower he wouldn't have been so lonely.假若虎妞是个男子,当然早已成了家,有了小孩,即使自己是个老鳏夫,或者也就不这么孤苦伶仃的了。

6.The tobacco lease earned less each year but still enough for a widower with grown children who were able to support themselves.种植烟叶的土地租金虽然每年都在减少,对于一个鳏夫和已经长大了自立的孩子们来说仍然足够了。

7.Kill she doesn't marry as well so the widower that has yet hauled by an oil flask to still love profoundly former wife!打死她也不嫁那么个有拖油瓶还深爱前妻的鳏夫!

8.One is between a widower whose wife died of cancer and a woman left by her violent husband.一段讲述了一名妻子死于癌症的鳏夫和一名被暴戾丈夫抛弃的女人之间的故事;

9.As a widower, Cronkite was the companion of opera siner Joanna Simon, the older sister of pop singer-songwriter Carly Simon.克朗凯特丧偶后,成为歌剧演唱家乔安娜.西蒙(流行歌曲歌手及填词作家卡莉.西蒙的姐姐)的伴侣。

10.If you are the legally married spouse, widow or widower of an Austrapan citizen, the usual residence requirements may be waived.如果你是澳洲公民的合法婚姻配偶、寡妇或鳏夫,你可能可以不用满足通常的居住规定。