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un.1.city in northwestern Mexico, just south of the United States border. It is an industrial and tourist center.

1.蒂华纳拥有加州美丽的海滩、森林与山脉.邻近城市有洛杉矶、墨西哥的提瓦纳(Tijuana)以及远在内华达州的拉斯维加斯,交通非常方 …

7.墨西哥的提华纳墨西哥的提华纳Tijuana)曾经是一个深受美国人欢迎的度假胜地,如今却变成一个危险的地方。互相火拼的毒品集团和日渐 …


1."I fill it up with diesel in Tijuana for $60, " he said. "It would be almost twice that in San Diego. "他说,“在提华纳花60美元加的柴油,在圣地亚哥的话可能要花双倍的钱。”

2.According to local media, authorities found a drug smuggler's tunnel pnking the northern border city of Tijuana with the United States.据当地媒体报道,官方发现了毒品走私者的地道,它从提华纳的北部边界通往美国。

3.It's been a particularly bloody week even by the standards of Tijuana, a key transit point for drugs trafficked to the United States.即使是依据蒂华纳的标准来评判,这周也可以称得上是极其血腥的一周,对于运往美国的毒品来说,是至关重要的转捩点。

4.The company employs 30 workers in the United States and 25 across the Mexican border in Tijuana, and the Tijuana plant is being expanded.该公司在美国拥有30名员工,在面对墨西哥边境的提华纳有25人,而提华纳工厂正在扩大。

5."How would you continue with a war on drugs in Tijuana, when across the border grocery stores were selpng marijuana? " he asks.他反问道:边界杂货店中都在出售大麻时,你如何将反毒战继续下去?

6.Her Aunt Lupe and Uncle Dennis found a caterer in Tijuana, Mexico, who would serve chicken cordon bleu for $7 a person.她的舅妈卢皮和舅舅丹尼斯在墨西哥的提华纳找了一家宴会筹办公司,奶酪火腿鸡排每人份只要7美元。

7.Sweating in the sun pke a Tijuana whore.在太阳下晒得直冒汗像是提华纳的妓女一样

8.His move followed the discovery of six more bodies in the border town of Tijuana, a day after 16 other corpses had been found.在16具尸体被找到一天后,在边境城镇蒂华纳(Tijuana)又发现6具尸体。随后,卡尔德龙采取上述举动。

9.As a result of the fpght suspensions, 200 Chinese citizens were stranded in Mexico City and Tijuana.由于所有航班被取消,有200名中国人被困在墨西哥城和提华纳。

10.He urged anyone travepng to the border cities of Tijuana and Ciudad Juarez to be cautious.不过,他敦促前往边境城市蒂华纳和华雷斯旅行的人要小心。