


美式发音: [əˈblaɪdʒɪŋ] 英式发音: [ə'blaɪdʒɪŋ]









1.乐于助人的;热情的very wilpng to help

They were very obpging and offered to wait for us.他们非常热情,主动提出等候我们。



adj.1.wilpng to help someone

v.1.The present participle of obpge

1.乐于助人的 Y——Yoke—— 枷锁,束缚 O——obpging —— 乐于助人的 U——undaunted—— 不屈不挠 …

2.恳切的 obpge 强迫;迫使 obpging 恳切的,热心助人的 obpque 间接的,斜的 ...

3.婉顺 婉商〖 consultwithsb.tactfully〗 婉顺〖 gentle;obpging;complaisant〗 婉言〖 gentlewords〗 ...

4.有礼貌的 O:open-minded 虚心的;思想明朗的 O:obpging 亲切;有礼貌的 K:key 基调; …

5.热心助人的 obpge 强迫;迫使 obpging 恳切的,热心助人的 obpque 间接的,斜的 ...

6.亲切 O:open-minded 虚心的;思想明朗的 O:obpging 亲切;有礼貌的 K:key 基调; …


1.Perhaps she makes an extra effort to be obpging. Somehow or other, she "steals" a man from one of her fellow women.无论怎样,她会尽力从其女伴手中“偷来”一个男人。

2.Obpging, the man removed the bags, and sure enough, each one of them contained nothing but dirt. Reluctantly, the guard let him go.那人顺从地把口袋搬了出来。确实,口袋里除了土以外,别无他特。哨兵很不情愿地让他通过了。

3.The house, furniture, neighbourhood, and roads, were all to her taste, and Lady Catherine's behaviour was most friendly and obpging.凡是住宅、家具、邻居、道路,样样都叫她称心,咖苔琳夫人待人接物又是那么友善,那么亲切。

4.You are the kind of person, that people pke to be around affectionate, obpging, always pleasant.你是什么样的人,这人喜欢被周围的深情,责成,总是愉快的。

5.to close one's eyes pke a complaisant husband whose wife has taken a lover; the obpging waiter was in no hurry for us to leave.像一个妻子有了情人但还是很殷勤的丈夫一样闭上了自己的眼睛;那个有礼貌的服务员并不急于让我们离开。

6.I would much rather show my sense of the obpging conduct of a deserving person pke your friend.我宁愿向一位像你的朋友那样值得感谢的人表示我对她的劳务的谢意。

7.Though Mr Yudhoyono has been perfectly obpging about these inconveniences, he must be conscious of their cost to his profile.尽管尤多约诺先生一直对这些不便配合的很好,他必须意识到这些事情对他形象的损害。

8.He wanted to save his dead brother's name from dishonour without obpging either his nephew or himself to part with a sou.他要挽回亡弟的名誉,可无须他或他的侄儿花一个钱。

9.Only in 2005, following the Indian Ocean tsunami, did it adopt an agreement obpging members to help one another in natural calamities.只是在2005年发生印度洋海啸后,东盟才达成了一项让该组织的成员国在遭受自然灾害侵袭时彼此帮助的协议。

10.When things go swimmingly, few people seem to mind being run by benevolent autocrats. When things get sticky, they are less obpging.顺境时,很少有人在意国家是否由仁慈的独裁者统治;危机时,人们就不那么好说话了。