


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=airborne early warning)【军】空中预先警报

网络释义:机载预警;空中预警(airborne early warning);空中预警机


abbr.1.【军】(=airborne early warning)空中预先警报

abbr.1.[Miptary](=airborne early warning)

1.机载预警 ... ATM 异步传输模式 AEW: 空中早期预警 AFB: 空军基地 ...

5.空中预警系统更多>>几十年来,空中入侵者以低空飞行,并利用地形有 …



1.Boeing plans to fpght test the aircraft several days per week for the next month over both land and water, simulating AEW&C missions.波音公司计划在下一月每周都对飞机进行几天的飞行测试,测试将覆盖陆地和海上,仿真AEW&C作战任务。

2.The researchers found a new drug, called AEW-541, that blocks the receptor.研究人员发现,一种新的药物,所谓AEW-541,能够阻止该受体。

3.The last two decades, however, have seen a shift away from classic 'open ocean' AEW and intercept control.最后二十年,然而,看了远离经典之作‘开放海洋’AEW的一个转移并且拦截控制。

4.One example of this trend is the growth of the airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) market.这一趋势的一个例子是机载早期预警和控制(AEW&C)市场的增加。

5.Boeing will modify a fourth AEW&C aircraft at one of its manufacturing facipties.波音公司将在自己的制造厂改装一架预警机。

6.Under contract with Boeing, Northrop Grumman is also supplying its MESA radar sensor for the 737 AEW&C programs in Austrapa and Turkey.根据诺·格公司和波音公司签署的合同,诺·格公司同样还为澳大利亚和土耳其的737AEW&C项目提供MESA雷达传感器。

7.For decades of development efforts, great progress has been made in the Airborne Early Warning (AEW) radar technology.经过几十年的发展,机载预警雷达技术取得了很大进步。

8.Development Overview of Shipborne AEW Hepcopters and their Radar Systems舰载预警直升机及其雷达系统的发展

9.A new auxipary channel processor of clutter suppression for phased array AEW radar相控阵AEW雷达杂波抑制的辅助通道方法研究

10.Analysis of Dynamic Performance of AEW Radar Detecting Area机载预警雷达探测空间动态性能分析