


美式发音: [ɪnˈkʌmbər] 英式发音: [ɪnˈkʌmbə(r)]



过去式:encumbered  现在分词:encumbering  第三人称单数:encumbers  同义词反义词


v.burden,hinder,hamper,impede,get in the way



1.~ sb/sth (with sth)妨碍;阻碍;拖累to make it difficult for sb to do sth or for sth to happen

The popce operation was encumbered by crowds of reporters.警方的行动被成群的记者所妨碍。

2.~ sb/sth (with sth)大(或重)得难以移动;使负担沉重to be large and/or heavy and make it difficult for sb to move

The frogmen were encumbered by their diving equipment.沉重的潜水装备使蛙人行动困难。


v.1.if something large, heavy, tight, etc. encumbers you, it prevents you from moving normally2.to make it more difficult for sb. to do sth. or for sth. to develop3.to burden with debts or legal claims

1.阻碍 incumbency n 任期;职务 encumber v 妨害,阻碍 encumbrance n 障碍物;妨碍 ...

2.妨碍 encroach v. 蚕食,侵占 encumber v. 阻碍,妨碍 endanger v. 危害 ...

3.拖累 [tired;exhausted] 劳累疲乏 [encumber;be a burden on] 拖累 [have a hand in] 你干你的,这里你就不要累手了 ...

4.妨害 incumbency n 任期;职务 encumber v 妨害,阻碍 encumbrance n 障碍物;妨碍 ...

5.作产权负担 encroachment on government land 侵占政府土地 encumber 作产权负担 encumbrance 产权 …

6.堆满 encomiastic a.颂扬的,称赞的 encumber v.阻碍行动,妨碍,堆满 enervate v.使虚弱,使无力 ...

7.阻塞 encode v. 译成电码(密码) encumber v. 妨碍,阻碍;阻塞;牵累 encyclopedia n. 百科全书;某科全书 ...

8.阻碍行动 encomiastic a.颂扬的,称赞的 encumber v.阻碍行动,妨碍,堆满 enervate v.使虚弱,使无力 ...


1.How unnecessary it has been for you to toil along on foot, and encumber yourself with this heavy load!你这是何苦,自己挺费劲地走着,还累累赘赘地带着这么重的东西!

2.Madam Mi said: "A Dou is safe now with you, General. I'd rather die than encumber you. "糜夫人说:“见到将军阿斗有救了,……我死而无恨!”

3.They bring us joy and support, notwithstanding the tests that can encumber even the best of relationships.尽管存在考验即便是最密切的关系的挑战,但私人友情给我们带来欢乐和支持。

4.First of all, your pfe is not so sure as mine, I will encumber your pfe, if I don't leave.第一,你有自己不确定的人生,而我的人生已经确定,我跟你在一起只能拖累你的生活。

5.In the absence of doing so, however, we collectively encumber progress and create unsuccessful dreams.在没有这样做,但是,我们统称为妨碍进度并创建失败的梦。

6.This includes the right to sell or encumber any homestead that I now own or may own in the future.该情形还包括出售或使我目前或将来会拥有的宅地负债的权力。

7.C warmer in the market, but the business card printing business or encumber its growth.市场的回暖,但制卡业务或拖累了其业绩成长。

8.But covered bonds encumber bank assets, leaving less for other creditors.但担保债券会对银行资产构成拖累,使留给其它债权人的资产减少。

9.Be arrogant will not only encumber you from having good relation with others, but also obstruct you from getting progress as well.狂妄自我不光会阻碍你和别人成为好朋友,同样阻挡你取得进步。

10.The noise he makes would encumber me.他制造的噪音会打搅我。