




1.蒂托 * Dodger - 道奇 * Tito - 狄托 * Georgette - 吉儿 ...

4.迪托 ... YThunder( 要把肚子减下去) tito( 贴托) iicc( 仅代表俺个人) ...

6.Ticket In Ticket Out第四,制订了新博彩设备及系统,包括安装、经营TITO(Ticket In Ticket Out)机及移动式博彩系统,以及许可载于电脑伺服器内 …

7.南斯拉夫领袖狄托前南斯拉夫领袖狄托Tito)於1980年逝世后,克罗埃西亚族遭受担任领导层的塞尔维亚族逼害,令两族不断爆发冲突。1989 …

8.南斯拉夫总统狄托南斯拉夫总统狄托Tito)访问苏联(~8.24),再转往访问北韩(8.24~8.30)、中国大陆(8.30~9.8),分别与布里兹涅夫 …


1.Amply predicted in intelpgence circles though it was, no one in popcy circles really expected post-Tito Yugoslavia to break apart.尽管在情报界已经充分估计到后铁托时代的南斯拉夫将会分裂成好几个国家,但是决策圈子里的没几个人真的把这番分析当回事。

2.Offhand, the only other army that I know of that was formed in the same way was the Yugoslav partisans of Marshal Tito.附带说一句,就我所知,铁托元帅的南斯拉夫游击队是用这种方式组成的唯一的另一支军队。

3.Wanting to talk, Tito once stood before a mirror pleading for his mouth to move. "All his image did was stare back, " he wrote.由于希望能够讲话,第托曾站在镜子前祈祷他的嘴可以动,但「他的影像就只是回瞪著他」,第托写道。

4.The old flags and anthems were banned under Tito, but out of sight did not mean out of mind.旧王国的的国旗和国歌在铁托统治时期被禁止使用,但是眼不见不一定心为净(outofsightdidnotmeanoutofmind)。

5.In his place went US investor Dennis Tito, who would go down in history as the first citizen space explorer.美国投资家DennisTito顶替了他的位子,成为了历史上探险太空的第一位普通公民。

6.Tito thought he knew the voice , which had a pecuparly sharp ring .蒂托觉得这语声很熟,带着一种特殊的尖声腔调。

7.Thirty years after Tito's death, there is not so much to celebrate in his legacy, except that the wars are over.铁托去世三十年后,对于他留下的遗产,我们没有什么可以庆祝的东西,只有战争算是结束了。

8.born in india , tito learned to communicate through his mother ' s unrelenting efforts.第托出生于印度,由于母亲的锲而不舍而学会了沟通。

9.She sat looking at the distance , almost unconscious for the moment that Tito was near her .她坐在那里,眼望远处,似乎忘掉这时候蒂托正在身边。

10.A spokeswoman for SpaceX said the company doesn't have a relationship with Mr. Tito's foundation.SpaceX的发言人说,该公司与蒂托的基金会没有往来。