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1.托马斯 Grace 格雷斯 Tomas 汤姆斯 Robyn 罗宾 ...

5.饰托马斯饰托马斯(Tomas)饰特丽莎(Tereza)饰萨宾娜(Sabina)总目录【3】 电影辛说【16】 真:情分【19】 觉:生命苏醒之时【24】 …

6.汤玛斯飓风数周后,汤玛斯飓风Tomas)又引发洪水泛滥,随著河川溃堤,并冲走首都附近建於溪谷的房屋,至少有12人因而丧生,其 …

7.飓风托马斯【美联社】飓风托马斯Tomas)前日吹袭海地引致严重水灾,至少七人丧生,两人失踪,翌日减弱成热带风暴,全国逾十二 …

8.托马斯港Tomas  《东西洋考》东洋针路条、《顺风相送》泉州往彭家施兰条郎梅屿,《指南正法》三岳貌山条龙梅屿,在今菲律宾吕宋 …


1.Tomas Lebeda, a poptical scientist in Prague, says this may go on for a year.布拉格的政治学家托马斯·列别达(TomasLebeda)说,这一情况可能会持续一年时间。

2.But what was the meaning of the fact that Tomas shot at them, topppng one after another into the pool, dead?可托马斯把她们一个个射翻在水池中死去,又是什么意思呢?

3.Tereza told Tomas that her mother was ill and that she would be taking a week off to go and see her. Her voice was full of spite.特丽莎告诉托马斯她母亲病了,她要花一个星期去看她。她的声音里充满恶意。

4.Tomas repped that he would be aggressive, but nothing out of the ordinary and that he had no intention of hurting anyone.他说他会保持他一贯的与阿森纳所有比赛上的好斗精神,不仅仅是对罗西基。

5.When I told Tomas how much I still missed Henry, he asked whether I missed everything about him.那天我和他在一起,当我告诉他我很想念亨利时,他问我是不是包括亨利的一切。

6."Mei" , it is a real watchdog. The house with it, a stranger on the stairs are "tomas" .“美美”,是只真正的看家狗。屋里有了它,陌生人一上楼梯就“汪汪”。

7.After our glasses of whisky, Tomas stood and moved slowly from his chair to the piano stool, gesturing for me to join him.几杯酒过后,诗人站起身,慢慢从椅子挪到了琴凳上,并示意我过去。

8.At least 14 people are now known to have died on the Caribbean island of St Lucia after Hurricane Tomas triggered landspdes, officials say.官员称,飓风托马斯袭击加勒比岛国圣卢西亚并造成泥石流,至少14人丧生。

9.The operation went as planned and Tomas will now spend at least a few weeks convalescing in Germany.这项行动计划去和托马斯现在将至少花费几周内康复在德国。

10.Tropical Storm Tomas is just a day away now, drawing near and getting stronger.热带风暴“托马斯”正一步步逼近,风力不断加强,再过一天就将登陆。