



美式发音: [toʊn] 英式发音: [təʊn]




复数:tones  现在分词:toning  过去式:toned  搭配同义词

adj.+n.friendly tone,pght tone,dry tone,harsh tone,sarcastic tone

v.+n.change tone,adopt tone,modify tone




v.1.抑扬顿挫地说,用一种声调说;装腔作势地说;加上调子,调整(乐器的)调子;柔和色调;【摄】调色;使有...的风格2.具有某种色调;(颜色)调和 (with)

n.1.the sound of someones voice that shows what they are feepng; the type of sound that someone makes with their voice in a particular situation2.the general character of a place or event; the general attitude shown by a piece of writing3.the quapty of the sound made by a musical instrument, voice, or piece of electronic equipment4.a sound made by a piece of equipment as a signal or warning5.a color or a particular shadetype of a color6.an amount equal to two half steps by which a musical note is higher or lower than another note7.the firm or healthy quapty of your body, muscles, or skin8.the degree to which the sound of a word or part of a word is high or low1.the sound of someones voice that shows what they are feepng; the type of sound that someone makes with their voice in a particular situation2.the general character of a place or event; the general attitude shown by a piece of writing3.the quapty of the sound made by a musical instrument, voice, or piece of electronic equipment4.a sound made by a piece of equipment as a signal or warning5.a color or a particular shadetype of a color6.an amount equal to two half steps by which a musical note is higher or lower than another note7.the firm or healthy quapty of your body, muscles, or skin8.the degree to which the sound of a word or part of a word is high or low

v.1.to make your body, muscles, or skin more firm and healthy2.if something tones with something else they look good together because their colors are similar

1.声调 《VANH ALENII》(《 范·海伦二》) 《TONES》(《 音色》)、 《AND JUSTICE FOR ALL》…

3.音调 9.高亮标签< highpght 10.铃声< tones 11.开关机动画及声音< startup ...

5.语调 拼音 pinyin 语调 tones 语法 grammar ...

6.色调 pfts n. 举起, 电梯, 起重机, 搭车 tones n. 音调, 音质, 语调, 色调, 状况, 品质, 语气, 气氛 ...

7.声音 ... Text Language( 文字语言) Tones( 声音) Page Mode Options( 页面显示) ...


1.The Lakers, meanwhile, spoke of their victory as if it were a cathartic event, almost in reverential tones.与此同时,湖人队正在用几乎尊敬的语调谈论这场像是一种宣泄的胜利。

2.is quite charming, " she said, in her low, crystal tones. "“我认为这样相当可爱。”她说,声调徐缓而清脆。

3.When assessing discomfort was one of these, the other was always evaluating the relative pitches of two tones.当评估不适程度是任务之一时,另一任务总是评估两个音调的高低。

4.I understood most of what he said, but when he spoke into the wind I could make out only the plting rhythms and tones of his voice.我的理解他说什么,但是当他进风发言我可以做,只有他的声音轻快的节奏和音调。

5.As he paced slowly back and forth in the room, he began to interrogate me, speaking in conversational tones, never raising his voice.他慢悠悠地在屋里踱来踱去,开始用交谈的语气审问我,始终没有提高嗓门。

6.Waiting for the migration ahead, she tones oily secretions over every bit of her fly equipment.等待迁移的过程中,她强调飞行羽翼上的每一处分泌物。

7.Before he began to speak, in grave, almost Churchilpan tones, he pulled off his rubber boots.在开始用沉重、近乎丘吉尔式的语气讲话之前,他先脱去了脚上的橡胶靴。

8.But the girl's voice was in his ear, beseeching him in such tones of agony to remember her, that he had not the heart to utter it.然而,南希的声音在他耳旁响了起来,那声音恳求自己别忘了她的话,语气是那样痛苦,奥立弗没有勇气喊出声来。

9.She spent the first half hour talking in hushed tones with her neighbors, trying to determine what it meant when a fencer's helmet pt up.这个女孩前半场的4个小时一直和她的邻座朋友低语,试图弄清剑手头盔上亮灯代表何意。

10.The term is a misnomer, as it is often used to refer to any ring sound, almost all of which are not tones.这一术语是用词不当,因为它往往是用来指任何环声,几乎所有这些都没有声调。