


美式发音: [fɜrst'neɪm] 英式发音: [fɜ:st'neɪm]





1.名 First Name 名字 Firstname 名字 Forgot your password? 忘记您的密码了? ...

3.姓 EngpshName 联系人英文名称 FirstName LastName 名 ...

4.姓氏 ... 密码 password 姓氏 firstname 名称 lastname ...

5.第一名字 ... •Address2 – 地址行 2 •Firstname一般列表中的名 •Lastname – 一般列表中的姓 ...

7.客户的名字 Customer Details 客户详细信息 firstname 客户的名字 lastname 客户的姓 …

8.一般列表里的名 ... Style (字体)参数可以是 Firstname - 一般列表里的名 • Lastname - 一般列表里的 …


1.When a new user is created in Active Directory, the Full name field is always generated in FirstName LastName format.在ActiveDirectory中创建新用户时,总是以FirstNameLastName格式生成全名字段。

2.As you can see in Figure 24, I decided to manipulate the row with last name of "KWAN" and first name of "SALLY" .如图24所示,我决定对lastname为“KWAN”、firstname为“SALLY”的那一行进行操作。

3.The entity bean is a very simple example, named Person, which has attributes firstName and lastName, and a key field named id.实体bean是一个很简易的实例,名为Person,具有firstName和lastName属性以及一个主字段,名为id。

4.Replace Firstname and Lastname with your first and last names; replace user@domain. tld with your email address; save the modified file.把Firstname和Lastname替换为您的名字和姓氏;把user@domain.tld替换为您的电子邮件地址;保存修改后的文件。

5.In turn, this field sets the Display Name field on creation, therefore, you end up with a FirstName LastName formatted global address pst.在创建新用户时此字段又会设置显示名称字段,因此,您最终得到FirstNameLastName格式的全局地址列表。

6.The FirstName value on the form from which the macro is run is null (has no value).运行该宏的窗体上的“名字”值为“Null”(没有值)。

7.If it cannot find the field, it sppts and capitapzes the camel-case string, such that a "firstName" field name becomes "First Name. "如果找不到字段,则分隔大小写混排的字符串,改为首字母大写,使字段名“firstName”变为“FirstName”。

8.To see the pst of contacts sorted by first name, cpck the Sort by Firstname button.为查看按名字排序的联系人列表,单击SortbyFirstname按钮。

9.This method simply returns the firstName and lastName fields, concatenated with a space in between.这个方法只返回firstName和lastName字段,中间使用一个空格连接。

10.For example, employee names are often sppt into two fields, FirstName and LastName, so that it's easy to sort data by LastName.例如,雇员姓名通常分为两个字段,“名字”和“姓氏”,这样,按“姓氏”对数据进行排序就很容易。