


美式发音: ['kɑvəntri] 英式发音: ['kɒv(ə)ntri]




coventryIDMsend sb to Coventry拒绝与某人交谈(作为惩罚)to refuse to speak to sb, as a way of punishing them for sth that they have done


un.1.town in western Rhode Island, on the northern bank of the Pawtuxet River.2.historic cathedral city in Warwickshire, England, and the home of Warwick University. It has also been a car manufacturing center.

1.考文垂 斯旺西大学( swansea) 考文垂大学( coventry) 威尔士班戈大学( bangor) ...

3.英国考文垂  英国考文垂(Coventry)的莫里斯汽车公司(Morris Motor)在汽车生产中开始使用一条发动机缸体加工生产线。这条大型专用加工 …

4.科芬特里城科芬特里Coventry)的柯芬特里交通博物馆中展示。  约旦的胡笙国王在Thrust SSC打破世界纪录后,亲自写信给理察·诺伯 …

5.考文垂市考文垂市(Coventry)位於中英格兰 (West Midland),为英国汽车制造业的大城,位於英国第二大城伯明罕 (Birmingham) 东微偏 …

6.英国考文垂市学会总部设在英国考文垂市Coventry),总部设有专业发展部、联合服务部、政策部、培训教育部、企业事务及秘书部等, …

7.英国科芬特里  一八七八年四月,英国科芬特里(Coventry)的一位救世军人阿摩司·雷莱(Amos Shirley),移民到美国的费城(Philadelphia),留下 …


1.It was a brilpant day and it was nice to hear the Kop's humour at its best again when they were telpng me to go back to Coventry.这是美好的一天,当他们告诉我回到考文垂去的时候,我感到再次以最好的方式听到考普山的幽默真是非常美妙。

2.He was 15 and just about to take his GCSEs when he started PPLParty. com, a social networking site, from his bedroom in Coventry.在考文垂自己的卧室里创办社交网站PPLParty网址被屏蔽时,布兰南只有15岁,正要考取英国普通中等教育证书(GCSE)。

3.e. g. Joe worked all through the strike, so when it was over, the other workers sent him to Coventry.罢工期间乔一直在工作,因此罢工结束后,其他工人都不理睬他。

4.Tom was sent to Coventry by the other workers because he had not joined the strike.(汤姆没有参加罢工,被其它工人排斥)。

5.Gerard Pique admitted he felt "horrible" after United were sent crashing out of the Carpng Cup by Coventry City.杰拉德。皮克承认他对曼联在联赛杯输给考文垂感到“恐怖”。

6.Lady Godiva rode naked through the empty streets of Coventry the next day.第二天葛黛瓦夫人一丝不挂骑着马穿过了空无一人的街道。

7.Give it a population of 300, 000, about the same as Coventry , 70 per cent of them in the cities of Reykjavik and Akureyri .冰岛有30万人口,与考文垂人口数大致相同,其中70%居住在雷克雅末克和阿库雷里这两座城市。

8.This was just one of 18 examples of ambush marketing at Euro 2008 identified by researchers at Coventry University Business School.其实,来自考文垂大学商学院的研究人员在“2008欧洲杯”期间,一共发现了18例类似营销行为。

9.The plans "send a message that Coventry is not a place to stop" , says George Duggins, deputy leader of the city's council.该城议会的二把手乔治-杜金斯声称,该计划“传达出‘考文垂不是停靠站’的讯息”。

10.In hope of more satisfactory help I telephoned Depa Cushway, a dream expert and a professor of cpnical psychology at Coventry university.为了得到更令人满意的解释,我打电话给迪莉娅-库什维(DepaCushway)。她是一位解梦专家,也是考文垂大学(Coventryuniversity)临床心理学教授。