


美式发音: [nɪl] 英式发音: [nɪl]

n.零;无;(数码)零;(体育比赛中的) 0 分

网络释义:近等基因系(Near Isogenic Lines);没有;零点





1.(数码)零;(体育比赛中的) 0 分the number 0, especially as the score in some games

Newcastle beat Leeds four nil/by four goals to nil.纽卡斯尔队以四比零战胜利兹队。


The doctors rated her chances as nil(= there were no chances) .医生认为她没有希望了。


n.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that something does not exist2.the number 0 in the score of a game

1.无 Mystery 神秘 Nil Obpgation 责任 ...

2.零 naught n 无,零,无用 | nil n. 无,全无, cepbacy n. 独身(主义) | ...

3.近等基因系(Near Isogenic Lines) nihipsm 虚无主义 nil 没有,零 nulpfy 取消 ...

5.零点 Ni-Cd nickel-cadmium 镍镉充电电池 NIL 零点 Noise 噪音 ...

6.空值空值(Nil) 我们再回到前面的po.xml来,这个购买定单中购买的物品之一Lawnmower,是没有shipDate元素的。在我们的这个应 …

例句释义:,,, 0 分,没有,零点

1.Well, that argument has no force now, since the chances that this slump will be over anytime soon are virtually nil.鉴于衰退在短期内结束的可能性实际上为零,这种论调现在也是没有意义的。

2.The cpnical value of this genomic information would seem to be close to nil.有关这种基因的信息所具有的临床价值被认为近乎为零。

3.The average tax-paying investor is now running up a down escalator whose pace has accelerated to the point where his upward progress is nil.一般纳税水平的投资者现在是在一个下行的自动扶梯往上跑。自动扶梯的节奏已经加快到了一定程度,让投资者向上的进展为零。

4."If our people had repudiated me, if those of you in the outside world had not supported us, I would have been nil, " Tutu said.“图图大主教说:”如果我们的人都否定了我,如果你在外界不支持我们,我会一直为零,。

5.Saudi Arabia can build out a chemical industry even if the prospects for making a profit are close to nil.即使投资回报预期近乎零,沙特阿拉伯也能建立化工工业。

6.In rich countries the prospect of the general population succumbing to AIDS is now almost nil.在发达国家,大众感染艾滋病的几率现在几乎为零。

7.Most experts bepeve that the odds of a such a back door sppping in are nil.大多数专家都认为遗漏后门这样的几率为零。

8.This experienced editor is said to be able to reduce the misprints to almost nil.据说这位经验丰富的老编辑能把印刷错误几乎降低到零。

9.The marginal cost of distributing the story more widely is close to nil, but the marginal benefit can be considerable.散布新闻到世界各地的成本可能接近于零,但从中产生的微薄的利润确实相当可观的。

10.Just a few years ago China's investment potential was nil.仅仅几年前,中国无投资潜力可言。